Monday, May 01, 2023

The Dreaded Hedge is Weeded

 Yesterday was more cloudy than sunny but not dull and grey cloudy. The high got to 12.9C. This morning it is dull, cloudy and windy. It was 7C. We are to have rain, wind, and a high of 10C.


I did the balance sheet, paid the bills, and made my wish list for May. I will be buying plants towards the end of this month as I will start gardening the long weekend. 

I was out the door before 9:30 a.m. with all my stuff to finish weeding the last 10 bushes in the hedge. I worked hard for almost 2 hours and got it done. I was very tired and sore when I put everything away and just wanted to shout with joy and cry with pain. I had spent 4 mornings on the hedge and my body was screaming at me. My mind was delighted that I had it done. Now to get it trimmed and the edging done. 

I sat down after doing a few stretches, had a large drink of water, and rested. While resting, daughter-in-law called to say she would be over to take down the Christmas lights after lunch. I hobbled out to to help her and the lights are in their tub in the garage with the icicles in the trash can. They no longer work. She took the ladder to the street along with the 2 pallets so they can "disappear". They are still there this morning. If they remain, the garbage truck will pick them up when they can. 

Daughter-in-law and I planned the long weekend in May. We will plant the carrots, start cleaning the garage, and power wash the shed. If we can, we may power wash the house. I will make sure we have meals to keep us going. 

I spent the rest of the afternoon resting as my knees and hips were aching. I know some was from the hedge and some from the storm that is coming in. I am still sore this morning but not like I was yesterday. I still think that my sciatic nerve is pinched and will take more time and exercises to get aligned so it won't hurt. It is much better than it was but I still have pain. 

Elliott goes missing on occasion and when I look for him, he is in his carrier sleeping. He loves it. 


None done yesterday as I was too sore. 

I did do a list of what I need for May and I am making sure that I am not buying as much. I do need fabric for the sheep if I can find what I want and fabric for the the cardinal quilt. I will more than likely only get the fabric for the cardinal quilt and a piece of black gingham for doll shoes. My goal is to dig into the stash and sew from it. 

I did not do Cricut Sunday again as the hedge took preference. I do miss doing it and want to make something else. I will be buying the mini press (on sale 50% off) and some vinyl. I have a Christmas present or 2 to make using the Cricut. Mugs are on the wish list. 


I worked on the vest last night and got the decreases done on the left side. I now have 6 or 7 cable patterns to do before casting off and doing the other side. 

I did learn that I have to focus on the pattern when doing the decreases. I did panic a couple of times thinking it wouldn't be correct but when I finished up, it was perfect. 


    I am happy I persisted with the hedge and got it done. I now can weed it on a regular bases with the hoe and it will look good this year. Next up is under the deck and spraying dandelions. I don't need to do No Mow May as my neighbour has enough dandelions in his yard for everyone on the street. I also need to trim a bush at the front and weed the lilies. I have a feeling I have 2 mornings of work to complete those jobs.

    It is certainly dry here. We've had a few minor showers but haven't had much good moisture. The soil under the bushes in the hedge is bone dry as are the plugs from aerating the lawn. I am hoping we get a good rain from the storm coming in today.   

    I have decided that once I use up all the cleaning products under the sink, I will think about new products to use. They do the job. Some I like, some I don't. I won't throw out the spray bottles as they can be used again somehow. I have some decisions to make on what I will be buying for cleaning the floors. 


My main job today is to clean the kitchen. I need to spend a couple of hours getting it shiny as I've been doing maintenance on it the past week. I would like to finish the embroidery, and knit tonight. 

Until the next time.........................................................

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