Sunday, May 14, 2023

Done To The Buttons

 We had another lovely sunny day yesterday with a couple of showers thrown in in the morning. The high got to 18.8C. We had more showers during the night but the sun is shining this morning and it is 4C. We are to have a high of 13C with lots of sunshine.


I started the morning out by folding laundry. It is not my favourite job but it is done and put away. Next up was to tackle the stairs to the basement. I had put the job off long enough. 

I washed the steps down to the landing and then started on the stairs that needed attention. I ripped the carpet tread of 4 stairs (one at a time), put Goo Gone onto the tape residue and let it sit for a couple of minutes. I was then able to scrape the glue off with my fingernails. The stairs were washed with an all purpose cleaner. When I pulled the carpet off stair #3, there was a blob of dried grass under it. I had a good chuckle at that. I had to stop at the 4th stair as the cleaners were making my hands burn. 

I went outside to check on the dandelions and they are dying. The job I had thought was a failure was a success though I will need to spray the other horrid weeds under the deck again. I then grabbed the bucket, weeding tool, gloves and cleaned up under the two trees in the front yard. Another 5 gallon bucket of weeds gone. I put the solar lights back under the tall tree. I didn't check the smaller one to see if it was alive though I did see a bit of green near the base of the trunk. It usually is the last tree on the street to get its leaves and blooms. 

I was quite tired when I got into the house. I had crawled around the lawn when weeding and did some walking around making a plan for the ditch. My glucose readings were low from all the work I did. Not scary but low. I did have a bit extra rice last night for dinner to help. 

The baby chicks were out and have started to wander down the fence towards my yard. There is not fence to keep them home so I will be taking action when they arrive in my yard. 


I spent quite a bit of time in the sewing room in the afternoon. I sewed the bodice and skirt together, hand stitched the bodice lining over the waist seam, and hemmed the dress. I had to stop as I don't have yellow buttons. 

I changed the thread from white to yellow to do the hem so it wouldn't show too much on the dress. 

I cut out the cloche and set it aside. 

Next up is to see if the jacket will fit the remaining pieces of fabric. 

I ended my afternoon cutting threads and stabilizer from the 3rd cardinal square I had embroidered. I can now set up square #4. 

When I have cut out the jacket, I have to go back to pressing the fabrics for the placemats and cutting them out. I am still wanting to make 4 if I have enough fabric but will start with 2. The scraps will become mug rugs and pot holders. 


The right shoulder seam was carefully stitched together making sure the cables were aligned with each other. Then I struggled with picking up stitches for the neckline of the vest. In all it took me 5 attempts to get it right. 

The picture is at the half way mark. I got it done and have started the ribbing on row 1. I will finish this before I start on the doll's sweater. 


    I have been working hard in the yard and am seeing an improvement in it. I am ready to start buying plants so I can add colour. I will also get the vegetables I need. I can store them all in the garage as I will start parking the car outside. We will have frost warnings for the next 3 weeks. 

    The hard work is also starting to show up on my body. The weight continue to fall off me and I am stronger than I was. My clothes are getting too big and I will have to find some new clothes. I would like to make myself a shirt out of some chambray I have in the stash. My shoes are even too wide on me now. 

    Today is the first Mother's Day without the Spousal Unit. Though it was only a quiet celebration with a nice meal, I am feeling sad as I do miss him more on these occasions. 


I would like to do the balance sheet this morning and then it is out the door to pick up daughter-in-law. We are heading to Wolfville to have Mother's Day Brunch with our friend. I am not sure when we will get home so I don't know if I will sew or put out the deck furniture. I do hope to knit tonight. 

Until the next time.......................................................

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