Saturday, May 20, 2023

It's Pollen Season

 Yesterday was a lovely warm day with some wind. The high got to 18.6C. This morning it is 9C. We are to have a high of 21C with a mix of sun and clouds today. 


I was out the door to weed the hedge yesterday morning. It took me an hour to do the yard side using the Dutch hoe. I was sore when I got done but am happy with the results. I can do the other side in less time. When done, I took the strong weed killer out and sprayed the weeds at the end of the driveway. I need to make more and do the section between me and the neighbour. I am also thinking of buying a better sprayer to do the job. 

While spraying, a lady from the Crossing stopped to talk to me. I had met her a couple of years ago. We talked about genealogy which we both love to do. We are the keepers of our family trees. By the time I got inside I was really stiff and sore so I did some stretching and rested.

Just before lunch, the mowers arrived so I was out the door to talk to them and to let them know what I needed done around the boxes. The three men worked hard and the yard looks great. The owner of the company advised me to kill the weeds on the road side as the county will not do anything to help keep the weeds down. 

After lunch, I headed into town and retuned the 4 bags of bottles and then into get 3 roses for the one flower arrangement. When home I realized I was having a bad reaction to all the pollen in the air. The first bad one I've had in years. It was the end of my working day as I wasn't feeling all that great. Not sick but tired and heavy headed. I don't take medication as I don't have any and I try to live through it. 

I was out to get dinner (salad) and when I came home, I was so hungry that I ate. No glucose reading at dinner time, no shutting the garage door, no nothing; just ate my dinner. My neighbour came over after 9:30 pm and shut the garage door for me. I heard nothing. I figure I probably had a low glucose reading making me act the way I did. But that is no excuse for me to not check the garage before bedtime. 


Late in the afternoon, I played with Design Space for the Cricut. I came across a video that intrigued me and I needed to try it out. I started with this picture of daughter's dogs which I had cropped. 

I spent a considerable amount of time removing the background when it was uploaded. I then moved it into the design space, made a 10" circle to represent a wooden embroidery hoop and added the picture. Names were added and this is what I ended up with. 

The circle represents the fabric and will disappear when I go to cut this out. The dogs will be printed onto transfer paper and ironed onto the fabric. Their names will be cut from iron on vinyl. A Christmas gift for son-in-law. 

I also did their cat and it will be for daughter. 

My eyes were sore when I got done and I took lots of breaks due to the fact they were still in allergy mode. I made lots of mistakes I had to undo. But, I am happy with the results. 


With my eyes clearing up, I finished sewing the one side of the vest together. 

I figure 3 more nights and it will be done. It will need to be steamed blocked and shipped out to daughter. 


I am going out today to finish weeding the hedge. I may head out to get the weed sprayer. I hope to sew and start to pick up the stitches on the vest armhole. 

Until the next time..............................................................

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