Monday, May 15, 2023

A Wonderful Mother's Day Brunch

 Yesterday was a cool windy day with a high of 13.7C. This morning the sun is trying to shine and it is 6C. There was frost on the roofs so we had a bit of frost in our area. It is suppose to be sunny and 20C. 


I did the balance sheet in a hurry as there was only 4 items to be entered. I have 2 bills to pay today and all is up to date. 

I was out the door to pick up daughter-in-law to go for brunch. I was early so we talked for a bit. I also pruned the rest of her rose bush for her. We left and headed out to the winery for brunch where we were to meet our friend. 

I was to this winery once a few years ago. The wine tasting room has huge windows in it with a gorgeous view. We were seated so I could see out the window. Brunch was delicious and the cook made me a small bowl of fruit rather than fruit on yogurt (which I don't like). We had Eggs Benedict for the main course which was delicious. Desert was a chocolate pie. I consumed more points than I was to have for the day but it was so worth it. 

We had a wonderful visit and it was very relaxed. They only have one sitting so you can linger as long as you want. We talked about a lot of things and had some good laughs. Our friend was as excited to have brunch with us as we were with her. It was a perfect time out for Mother's Day. And very different than how I usually spent it. 

Once home, my neighbours came over to remove the dishwasher from its opening. We chatted and laughed a lot while the job was being done. I had to get the tools and instead of bringing one I'd bring 2 or 4. Just making sure he had the right size. On the way out, they checked the tree in the front and think it's alive but may not be as beautiful as it is normally. The winter was hard on some of the trees around here. 

I headed out to see my friend as my neighbours said I was to check out what was in their back yard. They have a summer room attached to the back of the garage. Inside they had put a big L shaped outdoor couch and round coffee table. Perfect for morning coffee. We sat on the couch until we got cold and then moved inside for tea. We chatted about lots of things and then went for a short walk. It was the dog's time to be outside. 

I had a bit of applesauce for dinner as I was full from brunch. My glucose reading was 6.6 which wasn't too bad considering what I had eaten. I was tired from the lovely time out plus the rich food. I struggled to stay awake and was in bed early. 

I had a good week of being super busy and lost 2.7 lbs. I've lost a total of 28.9 lbs to date and would like to loose another 4 lbs before seeing the doctor in 6 weeks. I have plenty to do outside and a few things to do inside that will keep me active and busy. 


I snuck into the sewing room for 10 minutes yesterday morning. I roughly laid out the jacket pattern and lining onto the 2 fabrics and I have more than enough to make the jacket and shoes. I may get 2 pairs made but do know I can make 1 pair for sure. I was excited that I could get a complete outfit out of 1 meter of fabric. 


I didn't knit last night as I could barely keep my eyes open and I knew I would make a mistake doing the first row of ribbing. 


    Mother's Day went by quickly as I was busy. I am happy that it was different from the other Mother's Days we celebrated over the years. I also realized I can have a cheat day once in a while and not have it affect my weight and that my body can handle the extra carbs I had. 

    Today would have been our 52nd anniversary. This one I can get through as we used to celebrate it on July 15. For so many years cattle went out on the range on May 15 that we changed our date and laughed about it. I will carry this with me today as a happy memory. 


I am going haul out the deck furniture except for the umbrella. I want to finish the stairs to the basement so that job is done and off the list. I need to go out to pay bills and wash the car. This afternoon, I want to cut out the doll's jacket and set it aside while I press fabrics for the next couple of days. I need to get block 4 onto the machine to embroider. Tonight I hope to knit on the vest. A busy day for me.

Until the next time..........................................................

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