Sunday, May 21, 2023

Cleaning The Garage Started

 Yesterday was a warm one for us. It got to 21.8C. There was a mix of sunshine and clouds and, as usual, wind. This morning it is cloudy, windy, and 14C. We are to have rain today which will turn into showers later. The high is to get to 18C.


I finished weeding the hedge yesterday morning. Next time will be on my hands and knees to pull weeds close to the trunks of these plants. I will probably plan 3 - 4 days to do that job. 

After a rest, I headed into the garage to start cleaning it. No real plan so I took the broom to the walls around the bench area. I swept part of the floor and made a plan about the bench. I started on it by setting up a table to put things on that son needs to look at. I grabbed a tray to clean out. Shoved in behind it was the pouch of tobacco the Spousal Unit had hid. His sad voice (in my head) said "My tobacco is missing. Someone must have stole it". I smelled the tobacco and put it on the table. No tears, just thoughts of how well he had hidden it. I pushed on and got the bench area cleaned up, washed down, and organized for now. I also did the cupboard where the sprays are kept. Next was to take a tub of my stuff and put it away. I now have a space for the shop vac. I finished sweeping the open area of the garage and called it at day. 


I worked on the outer fabric of the jacket yesterday. I drew in the stitching lines, sewed the shoulder seams together and inserted the sleeves. I spent some time pinning some seams together to see if I can sew the lining to the outer garment where I will only have one side seam to hand stitch together. I may have that puzzle solved. 

I did look at the sleeve pattern and decided I need to get out the sloper and use it to make the puffy sleeves for a Victorian era jacket. I am still thinking on this one as I may make another alteration to the jacket front. 


No knitting last night. I was too tired to think about picking up 118 stitches. 


    I thought it would be hard to clean up the garage but it wasn't. Most items will go to son or our neighbour as the Spousal Unit requested. There is a lot to go through and there are multiples. I know there are 3 pressure gauges. I will keep one. I am going through everything methodically as I want to find items that have been taken apart and put into a drawer. I want to get like items together. I do this best when I work alone. 

    My allergies are still bad but once it rains, I know I will have some relief. The wind is stirring up the pollen and the best place for me is inside. I know cleaning the garage isn't helping but it needs to be done before I allow other people in to help. It allows me to decide what I want to keep for my own use. 

    It has been 8 months since the Spousal Unit passed away and this date is still makes me feel emotional. I still miss him every day. 

    I found 5 or 6 small solar lights and will be sticking them into the corners of the vegetable boxes for fun. I bought them before the pandemic and never used them. They will be fun to look at after dark. 


I want to do a bit of housework and laundry today and then tackle more of the garage. I would like to sew this afternoon and try to knit tonight. These plans could go out the window if I decide on something else. 

Until the next time...............................................................

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