Friday, May 12, 2023

Sewing Accurately

 Yesterday was a glorious day full of sunshine with a high of 20.4C. There was a light breeze which was nice. This morning it is 4C and the sun is trying to shine through the light clouds. We are to have more sunshine and a high of 23C. This evening we could have showers. 


I started out the morning, cleaning both of the bedrooms. They are now very clean. I spent almost 2 hours doing them but it was well worth it. 

Once done, I was out the door to dig weeds out of the front and side beds next to the house. I cleaned up the flowers and they all survived the winter. The weeds were pulled from the beds and the ones at the edge of the beds were sprayed very, very carefully. I also did the weeds at the property line. Once done, I looked at under the deck and the ditch. I now have a plan for them. I also have the flower bed to do around the shed. We do have showers in the next 2 weeks so I need to be outside on the good days. 

I was over to see my friend in the late afternoon. She has a sore back. She doesn't know what happened. We did take a slow walk before I came home. I was sore also due to working hard in the morning. 

I started the morning off with a low reading but not a scary one. I had 1/2 cup of applesauce with breakfast and that helped for the rest of the day. I also had a bit extra rice for dinner. I'm hoping it will help for today. If so, I will be back to my regular eating pattern. 


I worked on the bodice of the doll's dress yesterday. I marked the seam allowance on the 2nd armhole and stitched around it very carefully. I turned the little bodice to the right side and carefully rolled the neckline and basted it in place. I pressed it carefully and opened the seam allowance one clip on the sleeves. I carefully sewed up the side seams and basted the armholes prior to pressing. Lastly, I turned up the waist of the lining 1/4" and basted it in place. It took me over an hour to do that. 

I have chosen not to rush this project as my goal is to work on accuracy. I am super pleased with how I got the seams aligned at the shoulders and under the arms. The bodice will be done when I thread tack the buttons and button holes on the back. 

I have a game plan for the skirt in place. I need to mark seam allowances, hem and pleats prior to serging the raw edges. I figure that will take me an hour and then I can sew. 

I also printed off the jacket pattern to see if I can get it out of the left over fabrics along with the outer part of the shoes. The jacket is this one without the pockets.

It isn't historically accurate but I wanted one with set in sleeves and to have some of the bee fabric showing. I need to cut out the pattern and see if it fits on the remaining fabric I have. 

This is the hat I am making for the outfit. The trim will be in bee fabric. 

When the doll's dress is completed, I will go back to pressing fabrics and cutting out the placemats for a couple of days. I have to take the Featherweight up to the quilt shop to get it serviced. It won't be this weekend as the shop is at a big quilt show in Halifax. Until the machine is serviced, I will have to cut fabrics and bag them for when I go to the shop to sew on Tuesdays. 


I didn't do any knitting last night as the house was too warm. My hands were sweating just thinking about the next project. 


I want to get outside in good time to weed. I have flowers being delivered today so I need to stay home until they arrive. I will work on the doll's dress this afternoon. If the house isn't too hot, I would like to knit tonight. 

Until the next time..................................................

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