Wednesday, May 24, 2023

We Were Busy

Yesterday was sunny and warm. The high got to 17.3C. This morning it is 1C, cloudy and windy. There was no frost in our area when I got up. It is suppose to be sunny with a high of 17C. Another nice day.


I was out the door in good time but was 5 minutes late getting to New Minas to pick up daughter-in-law. I had to sit in a line up for about that long. Not sure why but it is year 4 of road construction in our area. It may have had to do with work on two overpasses that are being finished. 

Once in New Minas, we went to get daughter-in-law's new glasses. She has progressive lenses now and I empathized with her as she walked around the store shopping. That motion sickness feeling was all too familiar when I got mine. At least she didn't fall like I did. We got what we needed plus I got some plants and 2 big bags of potting soil.

We headed off to another store where daughter-in-law wanted chalk board canning lids. She is redoing her spices and was looking at the small jars for them. I gave her mine as I no longer use them. She sent me a picture of the lids.

We can buy them in one store here but you can get them off Amazon along with the markers. 

The last store we went to was the craft store. I got transfer paper, wooden hoops, and 2 balls of fine yarn that was on clearance. We were ready for lunch and we had omelettes which was within my lunch points. After lunch, I went home. Daughter-in-law had to wait for her car as they were finishing up what needed to be done.

Mid afternoon, daughter-in-law and grandson arrived to help me in the yard. Our neighbour across the road arrived to help which was fun. The pots I wanted are in the front of the garage and front entrance. The garden boxes were raked and the potting soil put in one of the veggie boxes which I will plant carrots. Grandson and I placed the pots around the shed and the ones that go on the deck are ready for me to fill with dirt. I need to go back and get more. It was a fun hour working together and we filled it with chatter and laughter. 

My weight has decided to bounce around a bit. I am calling it a plateau where my body is adjusting to the weight loss. It happened before when I was at this weight so I need to be patient, follow my eating, plan, and not get discouraged. My glucose readings are in the high 4's and low 5's meaning I am eating what I am suppose to be eating. I need to keep moving around and not sit too much like I do when I have one of my funks. 


No time for sewing though I did watch day 2 of working in Cricut Design Space. I watched it before and after working in the yard. It was all about fonts and I need to review it and work on some tricks. The project was to put a family name onto a cotton flour sack tea towel. We don't use those kinds of tea towels so that was out. I will think of something that could go on a hoop which I may never make. It is playing with what was taught. 


I took out all the stitches I picked up as I was short 4 stitches on one side. I carefully picked up the first side and called it a night. I am at the point where I want to get this project done and on to something else. 


    I had a great day with daughter-in-law yesterday. We are always there to help each other. Doing things with her is a lot of fun.

    Family is going to take the bbq and it will be gone as soon as they can make arrangements with our friends to help them. I am looking forward to using my table top bbq this summer. 

    Picture taken from the school this morning was the cherry on the cake. I love cardinals and the symbolism they represent. I want to think that it was the Spousal Unit telling daughter-in-law all be fine for her. Those two had a strong bond for each other. 


I need to go shopping this morning as I am running out of some staple items. I also need to do laundry and get it folded. One of my outside jobs is to decorate the front porch for the summer. I need to get out items that are stored under the stairs. I would like to start on the doll's hat this afternoon and I would like to finish picking up the stitches on the vest and start the ribbing. 

Until the next time.................................................................

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