Friday, May 19, 2023

An Evening Out For Spring Fling

 Yesterday was a lovely sunny day with a high of 11.3C. This morning the sun is shining and it was 4C. No frost which was nice. It is suppose to be sunny and windy with a high of 20C. 


Yesterday morning I did 3 loads of laundry that still needs to be folded. While it was being done, I put a few items into bags for the thrift shop. I also watered the tomatoes and pepper plants. I also went and got Elliott his cat food. It is getting expensive for his food. The price has gone up twice now. 

Late in the afternoon, I stopped to visit a neighbour. He hurt his back and is moving slowly. His wife had her second knee replacement done and is recovering slowly. I am giving him the extra tomato plants when they are ready to go out. 

From there I headed into town to hand in the Spousal Unit's passport. It wasn't fun finding a place to park and get into the mall where Service Canada is. At one location, the doors were locked. I found a side location that was unlocked. The lady at Service Canada was wonderful and that job is now taken care of. 

I was over to family's for dinner and we had a visit before heading over to grandson's school for "Spring Fling". This performance allows all the music classes from grade 6 to 10 to play 2 pieces, one person to play a piece on the piano (talented player), the Jazz band to play, and for several students to sing. The performance ended with a dance put on by the dance students. It was a wonderful evening out. 

My glucose reading ran in the mid to high 4's yesterday. I was starving all day long though I ate what I was suppose to. I lost another 1.3 lbs for a total of 30. 2 lbs. 


I had a bit of time in the sewing room. I trimmed 50% of the threads off the back of the 4th cardinal square before turning my attention to the doll's jacket. 

The sleeves were gathered and carefully set into the jacket. I basted them in with 2 rows of basting. The gathering is at the top of the sleeve as per the instructions. 

I found sewing the sleeves in easy as I didn't have to worry about pins falling out when manipulating the sleeves through the machine. I clipped the curves, pressed the seams towards the body and was finished for the day. 

I have a video to rewatch as it shows how to attach the lining to the outer fabric so neatly. I will baste mine together to see if I can do it. If not, I will have to think of another game plan. At the moment, I am ready to start drawing the stitching lines onto the outer fabric and sewing it together. 


None done last night as I was out. 


I am heading out this morning to hoe under the hedge. I am hoping to get it all done this morning. I would like to take the 4 bags of bottles to the depot before lunch. This afternoon I want to sew and knit tonight. I would like to buy a nice salad for dinner as I am craving one. 

Until the next time.............................................

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