Monday, February 20, 2023

Cleaning And Purging The Storage Room

 Yesterday was warm with a high of 3.6C. The sun shone and the snow melted. This morning, it is 4C, windy and it has rained. The high is to get to 8C with rain forecasted for most of the day. The warm before the next snow storm arrives. 


I got the balance sheet done in record time and had that all put away when son called. I was needed in the afternoon to help daughter-in-law. Her bad knee gave out on her and she was resting on the couch. 

I hustled around and worked in the storage room for 2 hours. I went through everything and got it organized. The first area was the shelving unit. During the pandemic it was called Grandma's Little Hoard and I no longer need it. I took everything off and started again. It is now a storage shelf with room to spare. 

On the top is a grow light unit we used when we bought small tomato plants. I may sell it as I don't think I will use it again. I may put it with the mini greenhouse that was never used. 

Next up was the corner I had put the items for the thrift shop. Items were bagged and I have 2 bags and 2 boxes plus 4 loose items to go. The two open boxes are staying for now. The top has the Wii in it which will be sold. The bottom is the Cricut box which may be used for items for the thrift shop. If not, I will collapse it and store it against the wall and the tall cupboard.

I put Elliott's carrier on top of the freezer so it is out of the way. The tall cupboard beside it was cleaned with some doll boxes being collapsed and other put aside to be recycled. 

And lastly the tubs were stacked. One is to have the items gone through and most will be sold. One tub needs me to go through it to donate. And the last one has pictures in it. I'll keep them. Behind the hot water tank is a step stool that painter/mudders use. It will probably be sold. 

I have a bunch of stuff to go to recycling and trash, a box to collapse and some food items to be put in the upstairs pantry. I ran out of time to deal with them. The biggest part of the job got completed though. 


I sat and knit a lot at family's house. I got the first sock knit to the end of the ball and started on the 2nd sock which got 8 rounds knit on it. After resting my hands for a while, I crocheted half the edging on a lap size afghan that daughter-in-law made. I hope to finish it tonight and if not I'll work on it when I go over there. Once done, she can donate it to the nursing home. I don't mind helping out as it keeps my hands busy. 


    I am sore today from working, then sitting, and the storm coming in. Not bad like it was, just sore. At least I'm not crying with pain this time. 

    I lost 3.1 lbs this week for a total of 7.5 lbs in two weeks. I am over the moon about that but hope that it slows down to a pound a week. 

    We had homemade pizza last night. The crust was thin which I like. I put on sauce, some meat, mushrooms, onions, and cheese. My little pizza was about the size of 2 slices and I was stuffed when done. It was delicious; better than the pizza we order in which is good. 

    Today is Heritage Day and there is always a honouree. It is a day when most businesses close to celebrate the day and person. 


I will finish up the storage room by taking out the recycling and trash and getting the food items upstairs. I will also sweep the floor.  I may get to sew some today and tonight I am out to family's for grandson's birthday dinner. I will probably crochet the trim on the afghan and knit tonight when I get home. 

Until the next time.......................................................

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