Friday, February 10, 2023

The Socks Are Growing

Yesterday was a lovely sunny day with a high of -1.4C. It clouded up some in the evening and this morning it was -4C with about 1/2" snow on the ground. It is suppose to snow and rain today and the high is to get to 10C. 


It was a day of rest for me once I got home from shopping. I did get what I needed in New Minas and had very little pain while shopping. I used my cane while out. I hate it but it was helpful. 

I ate well yesterday but didn't loose weight. I'm okay with that as my body needed to rest. I'm all not use to eating as much fibre as I've been eating the past few days. I will persist as I am feeling much better from eating well. 

While home, I alternated being on the couch and walking upstairs. It was good to rest as my body really needed it. There were very few aches and pains all day. I didn't do any of the exercises either. I know some of the pain is the storm we are now have over us. The air pressure has fallen rapidly which is what causes most of the pain. 


I got one spool of thread for the horse and 2 packages of the Tilda buttons. One package I will send to daughter, the other is for the dolls. I looked briefly at the fabric but didn't buy any. 

I also bought knee high socks to make tights for the dolls. I have wanted to try making them for a while now and figured if I could make gloves for the dolls I could make tights for them. 


I did knit on the socks yesterday. I got the leg done on one sock and half done on the 2nd one. 

I do love the simplicity of the pattern on these socks and will use this pattern again later on. 

I looked at yarn yesterday as I want/need more white yarn for sweaters. None to be found but I did help a lady find knitting needles so she can knit a sweater. She was excited to have help. 


    I watched a show yesterday that got me thinking. It stated that Britain has the largest obesity rate in Europe. In the US, it is a city in Texas. I wondered about Canada as I know we are not far behind in obesity. The 4 Atlantic provinces have the highest obesity rates with Nova Scotia being #3. The small snapshot I have observed comes from eating a lot of refined foods, stocking up on snacks, and having fast foods rather than home cooked meals. Many people commute an hour each way to work. I don't work or commute but realized I had the eating habits of many people here. It is so easy to go for fast food when you have 7 fast food places (and only one gym) in one small community of under 4000 people. There are lots of restaurants, pubs, and breweries around the area. Though people walk, I think many are like me and don't due to the results of being obese. It is one more step that makes me more aware of wanting to loose the weight I have put on. 

    From all of this, I am going to have to push myself to do more activity, monitor what I eat, and push myself outside of my comfort zone. I can't control what others are doing (nor do I want to) but I can control what I am doing. As I am a researcher, I have found that researching topics like this is helping me understand my eating habits. 


I have to do laundry and more cleaning upstairs. I also have to do my exercises twice today. I want to sandwich the horse and knit tonight. I do have to go out and get Elliott more cat food later this afternoon. 

Until the next time...................................................................

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