Thursday, February 02, 2023

Decisions Made

Yesterday was one very sunny day. The high got to -6.8C which wasn't too bad. This morning it is -14C with a windchill of -17C. We are to have a high of -3C and chances of flurries. The snow they predicted is not suppose to materialize which is nice. 


I was out the door early yesterday for a respiratory therapy appointment. The results of using my cpap machine continue to be good. I have very few apneas a night which is wonderful. We also discussed which machine I will be getting when the prescription is approved. 

I did some shopping while I was out as I drove 30 minutes for the appointment. A stop for items that I really needed and a couple I wanted. I was home by noon. 

I have the house ready for the cold spell we are to get on Friday night. The furniture is moved away from the electric baseboard heaters and those thermostats are turned up just in case. The heat pump is turned up to 70F to keep the house warm and I turn it up to 72F when I go out. I feel sick if the house if too warm when I'm home. Tomorrow afternoon, the heat pumps go off and I will turn up the baseboard heat to 21C for 24 hours. The power company is going to be excited to get my money when this is all over with. I'm going to be excited to have the house cooler and feel more human. I feel sluggish and am not sleeping well due to being too warm. 

I went through all the paper that needs to be shredded and found a document I needed to keep. It is now filed in its own folder in the filing bin. It felt good to look at what I've done in that area and know I'm organized. I can now maintain it on a weekly basis. One big job completed. 


While out yesterday, I stopped at the new quilt shop to see if I could find a grey fabric to use for the Kitchen Aid mixer cover. I was excited to walk around looking at all the lovely fabrics. I found one that worked perfectly and bought it. 

While paying for the fabric, I noticed these buttons. I now have to buy them for doll sweaters I am going to knit. 

And I will buy .5 meter of fabric to go with the buttons to make skirts for the outfits.

I got the stylus pen for the Cricut yesterday. It is a different colour than what is advertised hence why I missed it the other day. Next up is to buy card stock to make something.  

I didn't work on the horse yesterday. I am okay with that as I will be spending quite a bit of time on it over the next few days. 


I finished the doll's sweater yesterday afternoon. It turned out cute even if I've made it before and liked it then. 

I will make the dress to go with it when I put the horse away for 2 weeks while my friend is on holidays. 


    I am feeling sluggish and am trying to fight not having a spell of mild depression. I find that I need to be out more and doing something I enjoy. Even shovelling the driveway is enjoyable. On the days I can't go out I have to really plan to do something that brings me happiness and not let myself languish on the couch. I know this spell may have started when I had to think about a few things while moving forward with my life.

    The horse is starting to come to life more each time I work on it. I now need to push myself to finish it. I am hoping to trace the ears today so I can put them together. Tomorrow will be the mane and I am hoping that by the end of next week he will be put together. I would like my friend to come over before she leaves so we can press it down. Then I will put it aside for 2 weeks and do some other sewing. If not, I may slug on by myself and hope for the best. I am at the point I want it done so I can see the final results.

    I have finally decided not to do any type of sewing/crafts for sale. I realize that I am not an assembly line sewer/crafter. I enjoy doing things at a slower pace and doing high end finishes. I also enjoy gifting what I make. The amount of time I would have to spend working on projects is not what I want to do. I love the freedom of doing what I want when I want. I think the thought of sewing for sale has caused me to fret a lot, have stress, and become unfocused. This happens when I have to make big decisions. Once I realized this is not for me, I am ready to move forward and enjoy my sewing once again. I don't have to worry about anything other than doing what I want to do. I can focus on my goal of sewing down the stash and having fun doing it. 


I am going for a hair cut, to the bank, and to get a few items so I can cook over the weekend. I am going to trace the ears for the horse and put them together if I have time. I need to start a new knitting project so I may cast on socks. I have a new pattern to try and will see if I can adjust it for the number of stitches I cast on. 

Until the next time..............................................................

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