Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Test Pattern Sweater Completed

Yesterday saw a lot more clouds than forecasted. The sun did shine at intervals during the day. The high got to 12.2C. This morning it is 2C and the high is to be 15C. I am sure there will be frost on the roofs this morning. The frost warning has ended and we will be having warmer temperatures. 


I finished cleaning the living room yesterday. The area around the Spousal Unit's chair was dirty to the point I had to wipe the floor in one spot. I dusted the walls, mouldings and electric baseboard heaters. The windows were washed on the inside and the track between the window and screen. Finally I wiped down the lamp and polished the end table. In all, I did get rid of a few things and the living room looks quite minimal and, I hope, easy to keep clean. 

While I was cleaning, I got 2 loads of laundry done which was nice. I did a run out to the garden to get the blankets so they could be washed. Now I can fold and put them away. I also got a pot of turkey soup made pulling carrots for it when out to get the blankets. 

After a good rest and lunch of soup, I divided the remaining soup and left it to cool. I have 3 containers in the freezer. 

I headed out to the garden boxes after lunch and cleaned them up. I had to dig the leeks and they are huge. I have them in the shed so they dirt on the roots will dry off. Next the carrots got pulled and it was a better crop than I thought. They are in the shed and will be frozen over the next couple of mornings. Lastly I pulled out the peas which were never going to mature. Next year I will not be planting a second crop of anything. My next chore is to cultivate one box in preparation for planting the garlic and fertilize all the boxes. 

I was totally exhausted and hurting when I got the garden done. I drug my sorry self into the house, cleaned up, and rested with the magic bag on my back. Once rested, I made the bed and did the dishes. I bought myself dinner as I was too tired to do any more. I did enjoy the short drive into town as it was a break from the house. 

I have the heat on this morning as the house was cool. Elliott has chosen to sleep on the dining room chairs as the heat blows on him. He was upset as I just turned off the heat. He spoke to me and looked at the heat pump head as if to say "turn it back on".


I didn't sew yesterday nor did I step into the sewing room. It didn't bother me at all. 

I did think about sewing and what I need to do in the future. I need to stop dreaming and sew for now -- Christmas is coming and I need to get a few more gifts made. Time to think about that rather than doll clothes. 


While resting my sore self, I finished knitting the test sweater. It is a lovely pattern and I enjoyed knitting it very much. 

I need to put buttons on it after I steam it a bit. The back is just as gorgeous. 

I will be taking pictures of it on one of the dolls once I've got it ready. Hopefully today. Now it's back to knitting the shawl until it is completed. 


It is the beginning of a busy week. Today I need to grocery shop, vaccum the floors, fertilize the garden boxes, and finish the sweater. I will knit tonight on the shawl. 

Until the next time..................................................

1 comment:

  1. That little sweater is gorgeous! You have so many talents!
