Sunday, October 09, 2022

Soutache Dress Update

 Yesterday was cloudy with one rain shower in the afternoon. The sun did shine towards the end of the day. The high got to 15.5C. This morning it is 1C and the high is to get to 15C. It is suppose to be a sunny day.


I spent most of the morning cleaning the living room. I'm slow due to my knee and hip but I got the L-shaped couch pulled out from the wall, the baseboards and wall dusted, the floor swept and the a lot of Elliott's hair off the couch. I was impressed with how little dust there was behind the couch as it hasn't been moved for 6+ months. The cleaners did a good job of keeping it clean with a duster. I cleaned my end table by putting books into a basket, wiping the lamp well, and making sure there wasn't a lot left on the table to hinder dusting in the future. By the time I got that done, I was tired and it was almost lunch time. I chose to rest until noon. I'm happy with what I got done. 

My knee is improving by leaps and bounds. It hurts when I try to do things on my hands and knees and gets stiff if I don't move it for long periods of time. I still have the sore spot in my hip which means I still have tight muscles. 

I am still looking for meal ideas and have found a couple of sites. One is for freezer meals and the other is for cooking single portions of a wide variety of foods. More on them later as I am still figuring out things. I am waiting for a saucepan to come on sale and I will get it. I need two smaller ones for cooking for myself.  


I spent a couple of hours in the sewing room yesterday and got the dress done to the snap closures. I do like this dress on Addy. 

I wanted the skirt short enough to show the lace on her pantaloons. It interfered with the embroidery as I had to stitch through it when I hemmed. I'm living with it. 

I love the fit of the bodice on the doll. It took a lot of work getting the embroidery to line up at the waist but I'm happy with that. I am putting the pattern to bed as I probably won't make it again with the embroidery on it. I may make it as a fancy dress later on. 

I have enough fabric to make shoes to go with the dress. I'm excited to make them after I finish hemming grandson's pants and putting the snaps on the dress. 

I am going to work on getting the shoe uppers the same length when I attach them to the soles. 


I worked on the test pattern and got the body finished and started on the first sleeve. I quit when my hands started to cramp up. No pictures as I forgot to take any. I didn't knit on the shawl. 


I am going to head down to the sewing room to hem grandson's pants and sew on the snaps. We are having Thanksgiving dinner tonight so I'm not sure how much I will get done other than those 2 jobs. I do have to uncover the peas and check the carrots. I am wanting to make a huge pot of soup and need carrots for it. I will freeze the soup in individual containers and add the noodles when I cook it. 

Until the next time................................................

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:29 AM

    This is the web site I just started following for one person dishes. Tried a couple - so far I like -
