Sunday, October 16, 2022

Socks Started

 Yesterday was a grey day with very little rain. The high got to 19.6C. This morning, it is cloudy and no rain fell last night though it is raining right now. It is 16C and suppose to get to 19C. The rain that had been forecasted for yesterday moved along the Atlantic coast giving very little moisture to the province. 


I did have side effects from the covid vaccine. On Friday night I woke several times with weird dreams. I was exhausted yesterday and had a headache. By late afternoon, I was over the side effects but was quite tired even after having a 90 minute nap. I went to bed early and slept well. 

Before the rain was suppose to arrive yesterday morning, I went out to the shed and moved the leeks and carrots to the garage. I can put them into the car when I go to family's to freeze them this afternoon without worrying about getting wet today.

Laundry got folded and put away yesterday as I could handle that simple chore. I did launder the fabric and fold it and put it in the sewing room. I also walked the length of the house taking large stride and knees up strides. Not a lot as I wasn't in a mood to move much. 


When I took the folded fabric down to the sewing room, I cut the fabric for the bags so it is now 40" wide by 60". After that, my brain wouldn't function to cut the fabric into 3 bags. I left it alone and looked at pictures I took of the previous bag. I can now tackle it as I have a plan. 


The shawl is finished and I love how it is striped. It was a lot of work for a simple item. But, it makes up part of the Isla Girl Outfit. 

As I was sitting and able to think a bit late in the afternoon, I cast on the socks and started knitting. As I want them to look somewhat similar, I cast on the second sock and got 20 rounds done on each sock.

These socks are a stash dive and as I don't have enough of the one yarn, I will do the heels and toes in the darkest colour of the striped yarn. 

Stash diving is fun when it all works out for the best. Grandson will have new socks for Christmas this year. 


The goal is to do a tiny bit of housework, cut out the bags and start sewing them together, and head out to family's to freeze carrots and leeks. I will stay for dinner as we are having potato and leek soup. Home to knit on the socks before bed time. 

Until the next time................................................

1 comment:

  1. I am interested to learn more about your strides: what is the specific goal you are working toward with this technique. And, exactly what is the technique? Thank you!
