Friday, October 07, 2022

Grandparents' Day

 Yesterday was a cool grey day. The rain came about 1 pm and we had about 3/4" fall. The high got to 15C and when the temperature dropped in the late afternoon, fog came rolling in. This morning, it is foggy and 13C. It is suppose to be cloudy and 18C. 


With the threat of rain looming, I wondered how Grandparents' day would go. The rain held off until we were all in the theatre watching the entertainment put on my students. 

Grandparents are very welcomed at Kings Edge-Hill school. We are treated with kindness and respect by both the students and staff. Yesterday was no different. There was the Honour Guard when we entered the theatre, students greeting us at every corner and helping when needed. We had a tour of the grounds though, being short on time, we didn't get to see the library. Lunch was great and that is when the students joined their grandparents. Not only did my grandson join me for lunch, the boy across the street had adopted me has his grandparent for the day. We three had a wonderful lunch and enjoyed the entertainment immensely. I brought the boys home and we chatted about what a nice time we had. 

With the impending storm, my knee, hip, and back ached. I tried to keep it stretched as much as possible and walked properly on it. Once home, I put the hot water bottle on it but it wouldn't stop aching until the storm had passed. It was exhausting having so much pain that I went to bed early. I'm also not sleeping as well as I should be. Partly because of the pain and partly because I'm missing the Spousal Unit. 

I did not knit or sew yesterday as I was too tired to do either. I kept stretching my knee and rested as much as I could. 


I have physiotherapy this morning which will leave me tired. I have to do laundry, make myself something for dinner and, hopefully, sew and knit. I need to start making a list of things I need to do for the next 2 weeks. 

Until the next time..............................................................

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