Friday, October 14, 2022

Overall, A Great Day

 Yesterday was a beautiful sunny day with a high of 20.3C. This morning it is 11C and we are to have a mix of sun and cloud and a high of 19C.


I spent the morning cooking. I got the phyllo pasty out of the fridge and looked at it like a silly girl as I didn't know if I should roll it out thinner or leave it as it was. After reading a bit, I was still unsure so I left it as it was. I put it back in the fridge while I made the apple dessert. Both cooked in the oven at the same time, the chicken pie taking longer as it was cold from the fridge. 

The chicken pie was delicious and the apple dessert needs less cinnamon. The apple dessert was suppose to be turnovers but I had too much filling hence in oven proof dishes. I have one meal in the freezer. 

After lunch, I was to the doctor. He was running behind and I thought I'd be in for just a few minutes. Not the case. We talked about how I'm doing, my sleep habits, where I'll live, etc. He feels I am strong and doing well. My blood pressure was good and he is encouraging me to get back into a routine and listen to my body. I was surprised at his empathy and caring manner. He is naturally that way but I didn't think he'd spend that time with me on a very busy day. 

I did more stride walking in the house and it is helping my knee and hip a lot. I still have to think about how I need to walk but am happy I can stride when a month ago I couldn't. I was happy a month ago that I could walk properly. Today is assessment day and I will probably go next week and then every other week after that. 


I snuck down to the sewing room while the little dishes were cooking and cut out the insole lining and glued them on. They were dry when I went down after I got home from the doctor. I spent some time putting the uppers onto the insole and have them both the same length. 

I need to touch the T with a hot iron so it will disappear. I may look in the tubs to see if I can find something to put on the shoes or I may just put on crystals or I may leave them plain. 

Daughter has asked me to make her a bag for an online auction. We will talk today and I will get the fabric tomorrow. It won't take me long if I can get the correct interfacing. I will have a couple of days to sew it and then ship it out in a box of Christmas gifts. 


Kit got to the model the sweater (finally) and it fits beautifully. 

I don't have any extra yarn in the stash so either I have to buy a ball (if still available) or scrap the idea of a hat. 

I did knit on the shawl and I thought I was going to run out of yarn. I am now knitting 2 rows at a time and evaluating. I may just let myself run out of yarn as I have two small balls of left over yarn in the stash. I tried it on Kit and the front tie part goes under her arms. Hence why I'm still knitting. 


I have physio this morning and Covid vaccine mid afternoon. Not sure what I will get done between other than finishing the shoes and trying to figure out what I need for the dog bag. I also need to bring in the carrots so I can start freezing them for winter. 

Until the next time............................................................

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