Wednesday, July 31, 2024


 Good Morning from Halmstad. Yesterday was another beautiful day with lots of sunshine and a high of 22C. This morning there seems to have been a shower and it is 16C. Today is to be a mix of sun and clouds and 20C. 

We walked less yesterday (5.6 km) as we took the bus to another section of the city. This area is full of parks and trails and is beautiful. We got off at this grocery store and walked 3 blocks to where grandson is staying.

We walked back to the grocery store and bought groceries for a few evening meals. This grocery store is cheaper and has more stock than the one near to us. We caught the bus back to where we are staying. 

We finished up the laundry and sat outside on the back deck while we had lunch. The dryer takes forever to dry the clothes but we eventually got it done. 

We walked over to watch grandson and the other players practice. We took the bike/walking path to get there and it was a nice walk. It was very interesting as what grandson does at home training is the same as the professionals do here. 

They were split into age groups with a professional coaches giving them things to do. I watched the youngest and the coach was great. He had them do a drill to stop them from doing what we call "kick and run". They could only touch the ball twice and then move it to someone else. It is interesting to see how they interact with each other and with the coach. 

I did watch grandson's age group do their drill across the field and it was skill oriented. I felt grandson held his own. His age group also scrimmaged. The coach talked to them about what they needed to do while playing. He wanted to see get the ball, look around, move, and pass the ball to another player. They were doing what grandson does all the time at practice. 

Grandson and the other members went to a game in the morning. Grandson took his gear and was able to play in the 2nd half. He did okay playing on a team he didn't know. Being prepared payed dividends for him. 

There has been some mix up in the schedule so everyone missed a soccer game. That was too bad as the Halmstad coach would have given them an analysis of the game as it was being played. 

We had a late dinner and sat about doing nothing until bedtime. I knit on the socks and am doing the gusset. 

The house is quite warm with the upstairs bedrooms being hot. We keep the patio doors open when home to help cool it off. People are starting to put in heat pumps so they can cool off their upstairs in the summer. This house doesn't have one so it can get uncomfortable. 

Elliott is living and not starving according to son. 

The tomatoes are ripening also and son is going to enjoy them tonight. 


I am waiting for my pills to work and then have breakfast. I am not sure if I will be going to watch grandson practice though I would like to. I have a blister on one toe but I am not letting it bother me. We are going to do downtown this afternoon and have an early night. 

Until the next time...................................................................

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