Sunday, July 21, 2024

Getting Jobs On The To-Do List Done

 Yesterday was another sunny day with a high of 27.4C (humidex 32C). This morning it is cloudy and 17C. Today is suppose to be mix of sunshine, clouds, and showers with a high of 27C (humidex 32C)


I was out to walk this morning. I walked 2.4km in 28 minutes. Same route but more steps, less distance. Go figure that one out. 

I did get the laundry done but not folded. I was out the door at noon to family's and we were all so tired that we were grumpy. We went to the soccer game which was okay. Grandson's team won by a landslide. He played well in the second half as he was benched for the first half. 

The field the games were at were in a different community. The pitch was the furthest from the bathrooms. Round trip was .82 km so you didn't put a visit off for too long. We had some giggles about it. 

Once home, I watered the garden. I have the sprinkler on it now and need to get a timer so it runs automatically each day while I am gone. I also fertilized the vegetables and will spray them tomorrow. The deer haven't been back which is nice. I am still worried they will arrive for another pruning session. 


I quilted Column C of the cat quilt and hand sewed the back seam down. They are trimmed and put away. 

My next job was to start pressing the fabrics tossed on the chair and putting them away. By the time I was ready to go to eat lunch, all the fabrics were pressed and put away. That made me feel better. The to do list consists of hand sewing the binding onto the cushion cover and making a head dress for the Renaissance outfit. Doable I think. 


I knit the second sleeve on the doll's dress. I now need to buy buttons for it on Tuesday. 

There is enough yellow yarn left to make something else later on. Not sure what it will be as I have lots of patterns to choose from. 

I need to wind the yarn for socks and start on a pair to take with me. 


The goal is to do the balance sheet, fold laundry and sweep floors. I want to hand sew the binding onto the cushion and wind yarn so I can start the socks I'm taking on the trip. I will probably have to go over to family's sometime today to work on the last app. 

Until the next time................................................................

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