Thursday, July 04, 2024

A Busy Inside Day

 Yesterday was sunny and warm with a high of 27.3C (humidex 30C). This morning it is clear and 12C. Today is to be sunny with a high of 28C. There is very little humidity at the moment which is nice. 


I was out in the morning to do the dehumidifier at family's. My little experiment worked -- twice a day emptying it did get the humidity down quite a bit. Though the tank was full, the humidity was 65% which was down from 80% when I started. I did enjoy the challenge and will miss it. 

Once home, I went over to see my friend. She is now home from her visit to Ontario. We had coffee and chatted for about an hour. We took a short walk and then it was in to finish cleaning the family room. 

The family room looked clean but it wasn't. I finished wiping, sweeping and mopping by lunch time. The floor was disgusting. Mainly dust and dirt from not being looked at for quite a while. I looked around and am happy with it. I would like to clean the windows in the early mornings. Next up is the bathroom and then the sewing room. 


I spent most of the afternoon in the sewing room. I had a great time playing around. 

My first job was to finish block #7. I sewed very carefully and only had to fix one point. 

I am debating if to have the geese go vertical or horizontal. 

The next block is a sawtooth star. I will be cutting it out in the next couple of days to sew up. This one will have more points to deal with but I know this is where accuracy and precision is needed. 

The next item I worked on was the cat quilt. I wanted to see how my idea for quilting it would work. 

I really like the vertical lines and am wondering about doing them horizontally. 

The thread colour is cool mint which I used when making the cat placemats and Elliott's first quilt. I quite like how it shows up subtly on the block. 

Lastly was the doll's dress. This was timed. I worked on getting the 2nd sleeve in. It was prepped from the day before. It took 40 minutes to do. 

It is turning out really cut though. The next step is to add the skirt flounce. Once the dress is done, I have green capri leggings to cut out and sew. 


I did knit on the doll's sweater last night and got it done to joining the body and knitting 1 row. 

There are 10 rows left to knit on the body and then the sleeves. Not a lot but I am going to enjoy this little project. I will need to buy buttons for it. 


    The crafting area in the family room is going to be okay. I can watch tv easily while I work. I have everything set up neatly for easy reach. I know I need to clean this area more frequently so am going to have to work it into the rotation. 

    I looked at the sewing room and will be cleaning it once I get the Scandinavian Winter quilt blocks done. I will want it off the floor. I am not cutting out any new projects in the next week so will start to tidy up areas of the room. I am looking forward to purging some more and having a cleaner, less filled room. 

    I am amazed at the birds flitting around the area. I have had lots of robins feeding in the lawn but have seen a humming bird and a pair of yellow finches in the hedge. The finches are all over which is nice. I am hoping they continue to come into the hedge even after it is trimmed. 


This morning I am going to clean upstairs and mop floors. This afternoon I want to sew and tonight I will knit on the doll's sweater. If I have a bit of time, I will start to tidy up the one area of the sewing room or go out and do a bit in the garden boxes. I'm not going anywhere for a few days as I want to get some more things done here. 

Until the next time..................................................

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