Saturday, July 06, 2024

Learning About Myself

 Yesterday was somewhat cloudy with a high of 22.7C. There were a few showers in the evening. This morning it is raining and 16C. Today we are to have heavy rainfall with a high of 22C. 


I was out to water the flowers first thing in the morning. They were starting to get dry. Some of the flower pots are filling out, others are struggling. No reason why when I look at their locations. All have been watered well this year. 

Once inside, I decided to wash the two dining room windows. That meant scrubbing the frames, seals, tracks, screens and as much of the outside as I could reach. They were filthy as we have had a lot of wind this year. Add construction dust and it's a great combination for dirty windows. The cleaning cloths were dirty as was the microfibre cloth I use to wash the glass. I was pretty proud of how clean they were when I got the job done. I can now say that 3 windows are free of dirt and mould. 

I was out to the nutritionist after lunch. My 45 minute visit turned into an hour. Fridays are slow so we could spend extra time talking. I am improving a lot and we have identified several things to work on. I am still working on living alone, dealing with the loss of the Spousal Unit (we did everything together), and trying to keep my weight off. I am healthy, active, somewhat organized, and doing well. I will see the nutritionist again in 8 month. In the meantime, I have some reading and research to do. 

After the nutritionist I went shopping for groceries. It was a big haul with a couple of treats; one being my favourite sparkling water that is flavoured. I bought 6 small cans and took 2 over to have while visiting with my friend. I also bought two cleaners I wasn't going to use but realized how much I like them now that they are gone. I have less cleaners now and will be looking at what I want as time goes on. 


I didn't sew yesterday as I was out all afternoon. 


The little sweater if finished. 

I need buttons for it and then I can make a Nova Scotia plaid skirt to go with it. 


    The visit with the dietician left me thinking about a lot of things. I am not diabetic nor am I glucose intolerant. My body is working efficiently. I am less cautious about what I can and cannot eat though I do think twice about certain foods. My body is still trying to maintain the weight loss so I am being mindful of that. I do want to loose the weight I have gained though I know it could be hard. I did loose 25% of my body mass in a year which was a lot. 

    I am also to learn how to relax and do what I want to do. If I want to do nothing, that is okay. If I want to be busy, great. Take off for a long drive, perfect. I am to make my decisions without worrying about what others think. I need to move forward living alone. I was told this is a problem a lot of people have when loosing their spouse. You did so much together, supported each other, and became dependent on each other for everything. I am moving forward slowly. 

    The main reason I am moving forward slowly is that we planned our future for the Spousal Unit to outlive me. We talked about it a lot and we made sure he would be comfortable financially (as I would be also). What we never talked about was me outliving him. He had longevity in his family and I didn't (or so we thought). It has been a struggle for me but I am noticing that I am now starting to move forward in what I will and will not be doing. I now I will stumble along the way but I know I am moving forward. 


I am going to tidy up the kitchen, do a load of laundry, and pack my lunch. We are leaving at noon to watch grandson play soccer. It is going to be a day of umbrellas, rain coats, and trying to keep dry. I am not sure if I will knit tonight as I am deciding if I will knit a hat to go with the sweater or if I will wind yarn into balls and bag up. I will decide when I get home. 

Until the next time..........................................................

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