Saturday, July 13, 2024

Another Hot and Humid Day

 Yesterday was another warm day with a high of 29.7C (humidex 39C - 102F with 66% humidity). We broke the high for our area. This morning it is partly cloudy and 22C (humidex 30C). Today it is suppose to be a mix of sun, clouds, and showers with a high of 28C (humidex 36C). 


I was out for my walk this morning and walked 1.6km in 18.5 minutes. I deviated from my plan and took the shorter part of a walking trail which was delightful. There is a pond with cattails. Red wing black birds were having fun flying through the cattails. In the pond was an adult duck and at the edge were 5-6 ducklings. I will be walking the trail daily now building up to walk the long part. I will have to say the humidity bothered me as there was no breeze. But I pushed on without stopping. 

Yesterday's mission to clean the house was almost achieved. I got the kitchen, the two bedrooms, bathroom and hall done. I also did a load of laundry and got it folded. I also bagged up more ice for family to have as they use it in their cooler on the days the pack a lunch. 

In the afternoon I was over to family's to get a suitcase, rain jacket, and a day pack. I left shortly after we found everything as they were all working. I did head up to get my prescriptions ordered to pick up on Friday. Home to rest as the humidity was killing me. 


I did not sew yesterday as I was exhausted from the humidity. I am going to try and sew today. 


I did sew the last button onto the sweater as the buttonhole I made was the right size. 

I have had no energy to deal with winding sock yarn, I decided to knit a doll's dress to try and use up more of the yellow yarn. I chose a dress that I tested a few years ago but never knit again. It has a mistake in it that I figured out very quickly as I didn't get the updated pattern. 

This will go into one of the doll's wardrobes. 

I do hope to wind yarn for socks. I need to keep knitting on them. This break is great as I will enjoy knitting socks again. 


    I am tired from the heat and humidity we are having. We did not get a break from the last one when this one moved in behind post tropical storm Beryl. This heat warning is to last until Wednesday. It is affecting me when I walk as I have to push myself to go the time/distance each day. My goal is to walk between 25-30 minutes without stopping. I am hoping that I can walk 2 km by then. 

    I am finding that I feel like I am living in a box with no windows. I have kept the curtains closed to help keep the house cooler. It works but I do feel isolated. I did stand out on the deck for several minutes. It helped some. 

    One person across the road from me must have had his basement flood during the storm (it did last year). He is pulling out wet wood, putting it into a trailer, and will probably be hauling it to the dump. I haven't heard much about damage to any other homes but I am sure there were some. 

    I am ready to do a trial packing to see which suitcase I will use. I need to decide on the sling bag I was given to see if is too big. I have looked at other sling bags and most are that size. I will give it a try. I also need to decide on what I will buy in Sweden. I know I want to get yarn, a gift for daughter, and one more item (undecided yet). I need to leave room for at least one or two small items that I may want to buy for gifts. 

    I have had very little pain since the adductor was dry needled on Wednesday. What pain I have is from muscles being used that are weak and I deal with it. It isn't from tight muscles affecting other muscles or the knee. Even my SI joint is back behaving. If all goes well, I will be seeing osteopathy and physio once every 4-6 weeks. Once home, I will continue to walk some every other day and do yoga on the days I don't walk. I know exercises help and will probably have to do it forever. 


I have to clean the rest of the upstairs and do a trial packing. This afternoon I want to sew and tonight I will knit. I have no reason to go out today unless it is to visit my friend and to walk tonight. A day at home. 

Until the next time..............................................................

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