Friday, July 26, 2024

Departure Day

 Yesterday was a sunny day with a high of 23C (humidex 28C). This morning it is cloudy and 19C. Today is suppose to be a mix of sun, clouds, and showers with a high of 24C (humidex 28C).


I did yoga yesterday and I was stiff. I did the full set of exercises which felt good to do. I need to alternate yoga and walking once I get home so that I keep limber. 

Elliott decided to do one stretch while I was doing yoga. 

I had a busy morning getting all to do list done. I succeeded in getting it all done. I even did one extra job -- clean the heat pump head. The filters were dusty and needed a good cleaning. 

Daughter-in-law was over after lunch and we went through everything for the trip. A couple of items were eliminated and a couple of items moved from one bag to another. She is so good at packing and approved of what I had gotten done. I was over to their place to get the plug in part of my computer fixed. I will be ready to leave mid afternoon. 

I walked over to my neighbours late afternoon and we ended up in the covered patio with a glass of wine. We chatted for an hour or so and then I came home. My evening was quiet which was nice. 


I finished watching the Great British Sewing Bee yesterday. I haven't commented much on it as I was very disappointed with the contestants when the show started. They didn't seem to know much about fitting clothing and some items were not finished. I know part of it was how little time they had to sew their items in. 

As time went on, I chose my winner but that person was eliminated in episode 8. Her made to measure wasn't spectacular. She wasn't a bling girl. One person who made it to the semi finals wasn't the best sewer technically and she had fitting issues. But her ideas were great. The other three were pretty equal and had grown skill wise immensely. The final was interesting and the winner deserved the trophy. His comment "We had 11 weeks to work on this" showed he had done his homework. I would have loved to see the youngest person win. Maybe another time. 

The winner had grown immensely during the series. His ideas were great and he loved bling. He was a drag queen and it showed in several of his made to measures. He knew how to pair fabrics and colour. He had a good sense of humour. His final made to measure was spectacular combining masculine and feminine elements in his outfit. 

The other two contestants also showed great growth as time went on. Both did amazing outfits but struggled at times. The one from Scotland did homage to her grandfather by making a kilt in his tartan for her final outfit. If her vest had been a bit different, she would have been hard to beat. The youngest contestant made an outfit worthy of the red carpet but it wasn't completely finished. The bodice was wonderful but the skirt needed more panels added to it. 

When I first watched, I wondered how many of the contestants were going to try to brand themselves. I am not sure how many of them will be successful and if the finalists will do it. I will do some snooping when I get home to see what is happening. 


The leg of the first sock is done and ready for me to start the heel flap when we get to Copenhagen or Sweden. It is packed and I forgot to take a picture of it. 

Daughter-in-law fell in love with the yarn and I am gifting the socks to her. I would love to find more yarn in that wool combination to knit all socks in. 


    Where daughter lives got an early Christmas present. It rained which was wonderful for them. The evacuation alert was lifted so the volunteer fire people can get some well deserved sleep. Here is hoping they get the fire under control soon. Everyone has been working hard for the past while and residents have been under a lot of stress. 

    Jasper has not fared as well. The west end of the town had a lot of damage done to it. They did get some rain which will help. Everyone got out safely which is the most important part. Golden BC has also lost some buildings to the fire in their area. It has been another tough summer for the people in BC and Alberta. 

    I have done a seat check and there still only 8 of us in Business Class. That means no one is behind us at this hour (9 am). Hopefully no one will bid on those seats today as it would be nice not to worry about putting the seats back to sleep. 


My list is a bunch of small things to do. I am going to get ready and do it. I want to be ready by 3 pm so I have a bit of time to relax before I am picked up by family. I hope to sleep on the plane and then get my clock oriented to Swedish time. 

I won't be blogging for a couple of days. 

Until the next time..............................................................


  1. Have a wonderful trip. I hope you have time to sightsee and try the local food. It's all amazing

  2. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Hope you have a fantastic trip and everything goes smoothly. I will miss the daily posts, look forward to hearing about the trip when you get back. Marianne

  3. Have a great trip!
