Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Our Stop At Copenhagen

 Good Morning from Halmstad Sweden. It is 16C and it looks like we will be having another nice day. The high is to get to 21C. 

Our flight to over was great. We slept some from Halifax to Iceland. Iceland was cool at 4C at 4:30 am. We got off the plane onto a bus to go to the airport terminal. We went to through passport control and up to the lounge for more food. We hopped on the bus to the plane and were on our way to Copenhagen. We did sleep most of that flight as we were really tired.

We landed in Copenhagen airport, got a train pass for 2 days and headed out to Copenhagen Central. We got off the train in what I think is the old part of the city and walked to the hotel. After a short break, we headed out and walked around to do a bit of exploring. We found the Lego store and went in to look around. Custom minis were made by daughter-in-law and grandson. We went back to the hotel for another break and then went for dinner at a burger place. It was delicious and I ate mine with a knife and fork as seems to the be the custom. We walked a total of 7.6 km which is 3 times what I walked at home. 

The next morning, I was the last to wake up. I was really tired but I knew I needed to get going. After a wonderful complimentary breakfast (the breakfast room was the size of a huge restaurant) we headed out to explore. First stop was the Lego store for more minis. Then it was to get yarn for me. 

I now have 3 balls of grey and 1 of white. It was off to explore the city. We looked at the rows of paintings in one area. My favourite was this one. 

There is a mix of old and new buildings in the city. This old building houses a circus. 

Beside it was a new building. 

Lunch was at McDonald's as it's a family tradition. After lunch we wandered around going through this square. 

There was a statue of Hans Christian Anderson as he lived in Copenhagen from the age of 10. He wrote many fairytales which includes The Little Mermaid. I have read many of his fairy tales while growing up. No picture as it was full of people taking pictures of others up on the statue.

Even the manhole covers are fancy. 

We wandered through the streets off the square and were in and out of many small shops including a books store. We really enjoyed our time as tourists and bought a few things. We had dinner out at a food court next to an amusement park. 

Another food experience which was expensive as it is beside the amusement park. I walked 9.6 km with family walking more than that. 

I did not sleep as well on Sunday night as I had a lot of pain. About 2 am, I finally got my SI joint to seat itself with a good crack. 

Yesterday was a travel day. We got our train tickets at the airport and got on the train. We chose first class in the middle of the train which was a bad idea. We will choose first class at the front or back of the train. We enjoyed looking at the scenery as it whizzed by. 

We arrived in Halmstad mid afternoon and walked to the AirBNB. It is a lovely home. After getting settled we walked to a grocery store for food, came home and made supper. We were in bed in good time as we were tired. We walked 6.9 km yesterday. 


We have laundry to finish, get some more groceries, figure out bus tickets, and head out to watch grandson practice soccer. I am sure we will be wandering around and taking pictures today. 

Until the next time..............................................

1 comment:

  1. It sounds lovely, well done on the walking! Good luck to your grandson and enjoy yourself, angela
