Monday, July 22, 2024

As Simple As Needing A New Hose Washer

 Yesterday was another sunny day with a high of 25.5C (humidex 30C). This morning it is  clear and 15C. Today is to be a repeat of yesterday - sunny with a high of 25C (humidex 27C). 


I did not walk this morning as I was up during the night with Elliott. He needed his nails clipped as he is getting them caught in the couch. I was wide awake by the time that job was done and took a while to get back to sleep. 

Yesterday morning, I did the balance sheet. I am doing ok budget wise considering I am going on a trip. Once it was done, I swept all the floors and folded laundry. Just before lunch, I was over to family's to get the last app on my phone and computer prior to leaving. 

Daughter-in-law came over after I got home to help me attach the water timer to the outside tap. The thing leaked and we were baffled as to why. We tried a second hose but to no avail as it was leaking at the tap. She left only to return a few minutes later. Round two was to put the timer between two hoses. It still leaked. We took it apart to see why and I suggested she turn the washer over. It still leaked so I brought out the washer I had. Tried two in the opening but too thick. We then put a rubber washer in (package was bought in the 1990's?) and no more leaks. We laughed and yelled "Thank you Dad" to the sky. That package of washers was a life saver. We did get wet playing with the water timer and had several good laughs. 

I have started a list of things I need to do this week. It is getting quite long and I need to focus on doing it. I will be pacing myself to get it all done. Some items are quick and easy, others will be a struggle like moving pots of flowers to the shed so they can be watered by the sprinkler while I am gone. 


I sat and hand sewed the binding down on the cushion. I have 1 1/2 sides left to do. It should have been done yesterday but the timer took up quite a bit of time. 

I also got out the fabric and trim to make the head piece. I need to dig out the interfacings and elastic to make it. It should take about an hour to make is all goes well. 


I was going to wind yarn for the work socks but decided not to make them next. I have to do a tension swatch first which takes time. I also have to wind the yarn and rewind the main colour as I want to make both socks at the same time. 

I did find a ball of beautiful yarn that has cashmere blended into it. I am making socks from it. 

I have sorted out what I need to take with me for knitting. My little bag has only the items I need. The yarn, the knitting needles, book and pen will all fit in the little bag perfectly. I can put it into the suitcase. 


    I still haven't figured out Elliott's eating habits. He hates the feeder and only eats when he is really hungry. I think he knows I am leaving him alone for days and is sulking about that also. He will appreciate me more when I come home. And he will eat when he is hungry. He aways does. 

    The fire where daughter lives turned aggressive yesterday afternoon. The highway is closed as the fire is near the road in areas. It grew from 4,000 hectares to 12,000 hectares which is scary. The community is still on evacuation alerts at this time. People are (rightfully) angry as this fire should never have got this big. The top of the command chain made a serious error when they chose to ignore the fire during the hottest and driest days of summer. Thinking it is rural has led to another catastrophe for the people in the area. 

    I opened the windows while I was up dealing with Elliott. It is so nice having cool fresh air moving through the house. I slept well as the bedroom was cool and refreshing. Most mornings will be cool this week which is a nice change for us. 


I am going to start moving flowers to the shed so they can be watered by the sprinkler. I also am going try and get the deck ready for while I am gone. I have to start cleaning the house more. I want to sew on the cushion a bit also. I have to be out to osteopathy at 3:45 pm and then to family's after I get home to do one of the items on the list. I may get to knit tonight. I will be in bed early as I am tired from my time up during the night. 

Until the next time......................................................................

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