Sunday, July 14, 2024

Out To Watch Soccer

 Yesterday was another hot and humid day. We were under a severe thunderstorm watch for a couple of hours and a bit of rain fell. The high got to 28.7C (humidex 38C). This morning it is cloudy and 20C with no humidex. At 7 am it was still 20C with a humidex of 27C. Today is to be sunny with a high of 29C (humidex 37C)


I was out to walk first thing this morning. I clipped along and did 1.9 km in 23.5 minutes. I won't win a race but I am out walking further each day. I would like to be walking 3 km by the time we leave for Sweden.

Yesterday morning I was busy. I sewed up a seam on grandson's sweatshirt. It took longer to set the machine from embroidery to regular sewing than it did to do the seam. It is done and off the list. 

Next up I packed my suitcase for a trial run. I had to use a bigger suitcase. I rolled, bagged, folded, and got everything in with room to spare. Hurrah. I then unpacked it and got the new clothes ready to launder this morning. 

My last chore of the day was to sweep the dining and living room floors. I also did the stairs and front entry way. I didn't wash them as it was noon. I will do them this morning. 

After lunch, I packed a bag with coat, cushion, drinks, umbrella, and a snack. I grabbed a big bag of ice and headed to family's. The ice was put in their freezer and my bag put in the car. We were heading into the city to watch grandson's team play soccer. It was a hot drive as their car still doesn't have air conditioning. It was ordered 6 weeks ago and still not here. We joke that it may arrive in time to be installed on the coldest day in January. 

Grandson's game was unusual as the other team was all over the field in a chaotic way. It worked for them as they confused grandson's team for quite a while. The other team had 3 goal to their 0. Then grandson's team got 2 goals in no time flat. They had figured out what to do. 

We had a great laugh at grandson. He went to kick the ball and missed. His face was priceless when it happened and we all chatted about it. The worst part was it was in front of the net. The keeper (goalie) got the ball and saved it. He told grandson "great faking it". Grandson kept telling us that when we talked about it. He also had a great play and he had hoped to make a goal. He was close but it didn't happen. In all, the team did the best they could in the heat and humidity. 

We stayed and watched another game which there were several players we knew. It was a totally different game with the visiting team getting yellow cards for pulling players shirts. Their coach got a yellow card and a talking to. Our team's coach got a talking to also. It was a face paced game with our friend's son playing really well. Surprisingly, the humidity was gone and there was a cool wind for this game. The players didn't have to deal with the heat and humidity. 

We had a very late dinner at a place called Mucho Burrito. I had a medium burrito and it was delicious. I enjoyed having the sauté veggies on it. We all enjoyed our meals and I will go back again one day. 

I got on the scales this morning and I am down 2 lbs. I am now focused on getting more weight off before we leave. Even 2 -3 lbs will be fine. I will monitor what I eat while we travel as I need to get back to my goal. I know monitoring portions and walking will do it. The trick is to stay focused. 


 I have to do the balance sheet, mop the floors, and do a load of laundry. I need to sew this afternoon and visit my friend later on. Tonight I will knit on the doll's dress after I take a bag of ice to family's house. I am not doing as much today as I need a slower paced day. 

Until the next time.................................................................

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