Thursday, August 01, 2024

Halmstad City Center

 Good Morning from Halmstad. Yesterday was a bit cooler and windier with a high of 20C. This morning it is clear and 10C. Today is suppose to be warm and 21C. 

Yesterday morning we walked over to watch grandson practice with the coaches of the Halmstad BK team. They are so lucky to be getting this experience and see where it leads them to. 

After practice, daughter-in-law and I walked towards the bus stops and decided to stop for lunch at a little Asian restaurant that a soccer mom told us about. I ordered chicken fried rice and it was the best I have ever eaten. Fresh, hot and served on a real plate. 

Daughter-in-law had another chicken dish that she said was as good as she had eaten in Thailand. 

We caught the bus to go to a yarn shop. We missed the stop and ended up in the city center. It is old (founded in 1307), cobblestoned, and unique. We went to the city square to sit and get our bearings. 

The shorter building behind it is 3 Hearts Italian Restaurant (Trattoria Tre Cuori). It is suppose to be a great place to eat. 

We had seen a church on google maps and it was at the square. 

We did listen to the bells toll the hour. The tents housed a farmer's market. 

We walked down a street to a sporting shop to buy merchandise and this was at the corner of the store. 

After buying what we wanted, we wandered down the streets looking into shops. We went down a side street towards the Nissan River. There are two bridges that cross this river. 

On the other side of the river is the library. A very modern building.

We wandered back to the square and caught a bus to see if we could find the yarn store. It was a home based business and we found the apartment building but not the apartment. We ended up walking home which took us about 15-20 minutes. 

We tended to our blisters at home and daughter-in-law walked over to watch the pro team practice. Four of the boys were invited to participate. Grandson's roommate was one and he ended up getting hurt (collarbone). 

I did more knitting on the socks and am ready to knit the foot. 

We were in bed early as we were tired. We walked 6.2 km yesterday. I am slowly getting a schedule figured out. 


We are walking to watch the practice and then home for a quieter day. That means what ever we decide to do we will do it even if it means sitting outside enjoying the sunshine. 

Until the next time...............................................

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