Saturday, July 20, 2024

An Almost Ripe Tomato

 Yesterday was sunny with a high of 25.8C (humidex 30C). This morning it is sunny and 14C. Today is to be sunny with a high of 28C (humidex 33C).


I was out for my walk this morning. I did 2.5 km in 27 minutes. It was a lovely cool walk. I walked along one side of the pond and saw some ducks swimming in it. 

I heard a lot of noises and figured out it was frogs croaking at the edge of the pond. I was tired when I got home but I did what I set out to do --- 2.5 km. Hoping to get to 3 km by Friday. 

Yesterday morning I cleaned up the littler box area in the spare bedroom. The floor got mopped really good as did part of the kitchen floor. I will need to tidy up and mop floors this week so the house is clean when we leave Friday afternoon. 

I had to meet daughter-in-law at the car charging station as I was going to take her to get wine from their club membership. We played with an app on my phone and finally got it figured out. One app figured out, one app to go. The car was charged so I went up to get the wine so she could go home to do some work. I had a delightful trip. On my way home I picked up my prescriptions. One more item off my to do list. 

I took the wine to family's and we tried the last app with no success. Son said we needed more cash so off we went to the bank to buy money for Denmark and Sweden. I didn't buy mine as the bank was working at 50% capacity due to servers being down. But I did have a great visit with my financial advisor. I learned a couple of tricks while overseas from here. Daughter-in-law ordered money for us and I ordered some more online. I can use more cash over seas if necessary. 

I watered the garden last night and I have one grape tomato that is almost ripe. 

That one is mine!!

I set up Elliott's new feeder and he is mad at me about it. I have moved it so it can be plugged in. I have to go back in and fix how much food he gets each feeding as they don't say how much each feeding weighs. I'll do that today. I will ignore the mad cat as he will eat when he gets hungry.


Column C is ready to quilt the sashing and then do the hand sewing. 

As soon as that column is done, I will be putting the quilt away until I get back. I have 2 items left on my list and some fabric to press. Then I will be ready to start again when I get home. 


I did not want to knit last night as I was tired but I got the first sleeve done. 

I need to buy buttons for it on Tuesday. I am taking socks to knit while in Sweden. We will find a place in one of the check in bags. I need something to work on in the evenings. 


    I was tired yesterday but forced myself not to nap. I did a few things to keep moving in the evening when I wanted to sleep. I was in bed early and feel much better today. 

    Daughter let me know that Ashcroft was put on evacuation alert at noon their time yesterday. She was packing up items to take with her. When I went to bed last night they were still on alert. They did take a drive to see what it was like and the ranch we managed is under threat of fire. Here is hoping that it doesn't burn to the ground as we loved that ranch. It shaped us into the people we are today. 

    I am still working on learning Swedish. I feel like a klux learning it but I am being persistent. New words are eluding me but I do work on it so I will know enough to get by. I need to review lesson 1 so I don't loose the important words. 


The first load of laundry is in the dryer and second load is in the washer. That job will be done early this morning. I am going to finish up column C of the cat quilt and get it put away. I will be going over to family's around noon to get the last app installed and then go watch grandson's team play soccer. I hope to finish the doll's dress tonight. A busy day for me. 

Until the next time..................................................................

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