Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Working On Quilts

 Yesterday was another hot day with sunshine and a warm wind. The high got to 30.4C (humidex 41C). This morning it is cloudy with rain and 20C. Today is suppose to be wet until noon, then clearing off. The high is to get to 28C (humidex 37C).


I was out to walk this morning and did 2.3 km in just over 25 minutes. I walked half the distance in the rain which kept me cool. I saw very few birds due to the rain. I am gaining distance and the ability to go further each day. I am aiming for 2.5 km by the weekend. 

Elliott and I were out on the deck just before I had breakfast. He so enjoyed his time out there smelling everything. He was outside for a good 5 minutes before we went in. 

I was out to get groceries in the morning and once home, I swept the floors and folded laundry. I also started to work on packing some of the items I bought for the trip. Still making some decisions on what to take and what to leave at home.

I stood out on the deck in the evening and enjoyed it even if it was too warm to be outside for very long. I noticed the vegetables are recovering from their pruning and growing new leaves. 


I decided to work on the Scandinavian Winter block yesterday and made block 9. I worked on being very precise so the points were sharp and not bitten off. 

I need to turn it so two of the moose are right side up. I am pleased with how this turned out. 

One block left to make and then I can buy the sashing fabric. I will need to take the blocks with me so I can decide. That will happen when I get home from Sweden. 

I also played with the cat quilt. The back sashing was turned under and stitched into place. Because I like my seams to be flat, I hand stitched the edge down. I also stitched 1/4" from the seam allowance to give the sashing a bit of quilting. 

I added the sashings to the bottom of the second block and sewed them down. I had to stop at this time to glue some thread in place. The glide thread was starting to unravel. 

You can see where I added glue to the edge of the block. I can pick up and finish this block today. 


I knit on the doll's dress last night and got quite a bit done before my hands started to cramp. 

I am so glad I decided to knit this pattern for the 2nd time as I do like it. 

I am still deciding if I will take my knitting with me. It has come down to if I have enough space in the suitcase. It is looking like I may take a pattern on the computer and the needles and try to find yarn over there. We wait and see. This will be the last item to be packed. 


    The weather could be very warm and humid until Thursday according to the heat warning message this morning. This is not the hottest it has been though. It was hotter than this for several days in 1999. With the humidex added, I can't imagine what it would have been like at that time. 

    I have been trying to learn some Swedish before we leave using Dulingo. I have my issues with it. I can remember some words but struggle with other words.  I repeat them over and over but I still forget them. I will keep working on the lessons in hopes that I can speak some basic words. I do better with the written parts but not great. I wish I should repeat the one lesson I just finished as it has most of the words I need to get by. 


I am home today and will do a bunch of housework this morning and sew this afternoon. I would like to finish column 1 of the cat quilt and prep the remaining blocks. I may even start a doll's skirt if I have time. Tonight I will knit on the dress. 

Until the next time.......................................................

1 comment:

  1. Elaine G.4:34 PM

    Hello Ann, I've read & enjoyed your blog for many years but this is my first time to comment. I have also been widowed, so can relate to your struggles. When I lived on Vancouver Island we also had a constant battle with the deer and the gardens - they loved the flowers especially (grrr). We were given a 'recipe' from a nursery for a homemade spray that I found was quite effective and certainly economical. It is 1 egg yolk, 1 Tbsp. baking powder to approx. 1 litre water. The egg and bk.pwdr. will foam up so it takes patience to get the spray bottle full (I mix up a smaller amt. first, then put into the spray bottle and then add the water in slowly. I keep it outside (gets very smelly) and spray the plants and sometimes the ground around every 3 days or so (be sure to stay upwind of your spraying!). It will stay active after a light rain, but will need reapplication after a heavier one. It is non toxic to pets and children. If this is new to you it might be worth a try - I found it worked as well as the products the nurseries sold and much easier on the budget. I've moved from Van. Island and now deer aren't as much of a problem, but the bunnies munching my greenery! I hope you have a marvellous trip to Sweden - look forward to reading all about it after your return. Safe travels, take care. Sincerely, Elaine G.
