Tuesday, July 23, 2024

To-Do List Is Completed

 Yesterday was another sunny day with a high of 24.1C (humidex 25C) The humidity level was at 50% which means we are drying out. This morning it is cloudy and 14C. Today we are to have showers with a high of 22C (humidex 26C).


I was out this morning to walk and went 2.4 km in 30.5 minutes. It was nice and cool to walk. I did walk further today as I am wanting to get 30 minutes in between now and when we leave for Sweden. 

Yesterday I spent part of the morning outside moving flower pots. I was going to start and finish them today but strength prevailed and I got the job done. I used my wagon to move pots from the front to the shed. 

I also had a visitor in the back yard. Daughter called him Prince Charming. 

I also sprayed the plants with deer/bunny repellant that I had bought. It smells vile and my pants reeked from the overspray. I doubt if the cat will visit the garden either. I also laid down the deck chairs on the rug and just have the pond to shut down before I go. The outside jobs are basically done. 

Inside, I swept floors and tidied up the bathroom and kitchen. Things are staying neat and tidy and I will be able to mop the floors on Friday morning. 

I had osteopathy late yesterday afternoon. My adductor and piriformis is a bit tight but they weren't knotted up. The therapist was able to loosen them up and physio will finish it on Wednesday. I can walk easily enough but those muscles are protecting my hip or knee joint for some unknown reason. 

I stopped at family's on the way home to pick up the shoulder pack and there were two for me to choose from. The one we thought would work the best was the worst. The other one was one I hadn't looked at but it was a perfect fit. I can now start putting my stuff into it. We did a few other things and reviewed our flights. There are empty seats in the business part of the plane. We may not have people behind us when we fly which would be nice. But who knows as people can upgrade on Thursday. We tried to find what food would be served but couldn't find it. 


I had a bit of time before lunch to hand sew the binding on the pillow. I finished it after I had lunch. It was great to have it done and put away. 

Though the flap worked after stitching it in place, I will not do this method again. Instead I will add the flap piece to the zipper opening like I did on the 2nd pillow. 

Once I had cleaned up, I decided to start the French hood for the Renaissance outfit. I followed the instructions as it was the first time I had made it. The heavy interfacing I used was cranky about adhering so I would cut the interfacing the same size as the outer part, stitch it in place and trim it back to the stitching. Overall, the hood turned out okay for the first try.

The trim I used was left over from another doll's outfit from years ago. I found a package of the jonquil hot fix rhinestones and added them to what I had. I was finished and cleaned up before I had to leave for my appointment. 

If I decide to make another Renaissance outfit using another pattern, I will make this hood again. It fits the doll well and it completes the outfit. 

My list of items to sew before I leave is completed. If I have time to do anything, I may cut out the Strawberry Shortcake outfit and work on it. It remains to be seen how much I will get done on it. 


I knit on the socks last night and am making progress on them.

 The colours in the yarn are saying a simple pattern so I am doing a k2, p2 ribbing on these socks. 

I love this yarn a lot as it is soft and squishy to knit. 


    The area where daughter lives is still under an evacuation alert. The fire department and wildfire services are working hard to keep the fire from crossing the highway so it won't spread down to the community. They are doing everything they can to protect the ranch we managed for many years. North of them (2.5 hour drive) has a fire that crept into the town. Only a bit of equipment was lost at one store. Very scary for everyone. Not far from there, a tornado was suppose to have formed. North of the area (2 hour drive) it rained hard for a while which is good. Everyone wishes it would rain that hard where there are lots of fires. 

    I am working through a list of items that needs to be done. It seems to grow by the minute as I keep thinking of things I need to do. Some are reminders of what I need to do before I leave (lock all windows, close curtains, set a/c on) and others are larger items (laundry, floors mopped, Elliott's food portions sorted out). I will be busy all of Friday doing the last things and getting myself tired so I can sleep on the plane. 


I have to leave for New Minas shortly to get the mini C-Pap machine and buy buttons for the dress I knit. I may do some things on my list so I am ahead. I may cut out the next dress if I have time. I will knit tonight. 

Until the next time...........................................................

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