Friday, July 05, 2024

A Lot Of Sewing Done

 Yesterday was another lovely sunny day with a high of 26.8C. This morning it is mainly cloudy and 16C. Today is to be a mix of sun and clouds with a high of 26C. On a note - there was no dew this morning which means there should be rain tomorrow. 


I was out early to water the garden. It was getting a bit dry. I also did some weeding while watering. Everything is looking very healthy and growing quickly. 

Once done the garden, I quickly went about tidying up areas of mess and sweeping floors. Once done, I mopped all the floors but my bedroom. It gets a good cleaning on Monday. It was great to have the house tidy and clean. The floors were dirty due to walking on them plus dust and dirt coming in from open windows. 

Our street was super busy yesterday morning. A moving van backed down the full length of our street first thing. We have a new family here from Alberta. If the address on the side of the moving truck was from that location, it is probably a military family. With a full size moving truck in the street, we had the fun of watching the garbage truck pick up garbage. It was a tight squeeze. A bunch of gravel trucks had to back down as did the delivery truck twice (once for the new house and once with shingles for another house). 


I spent the afternoon sewing. I decided to work on the cat quilt first. I quilted block #3 and then decided to do the design horizontally on the three blocks. I like it a lot. 

I also stitched 1/8" around the edge to hold the block in place. It will keep the edges from moving when adding the sashing. 

While sitting at the machine, I kept looking at the flying geese block. I turned them so they are flying horizontally. 

I like it much better this way. I am thinking about block #7. It has a 6.5" center square and I have one print I would like to use. I need to see if I have enough of the other fabrics to do the other pieces around it. 

I worked on Orange Blossom's dress and got it done to the snaps. 

I added the tie to the neckline and it is cute. 

The dress will not be made again any time soon. The instructions are a bit confusing at times. I had to go back and forth through the instructions a lot. She has you do the prep first and then sew the dress together. The pattern is well designed and quite cute. It did make a cute Orange Blossom outfit. 

Next up for the outfit is green capris leggings to finish the outfit. 

I am waffling all over the board about the Strawberry Shortcake outfit. I was going to do the historical outfit using strawberry fabric but am changing my mind to delicate prints. I have another pattern for Strawberry Shortcake that I want to make. 


I worked on the doll's sweater last night. I took a picture when done the body and the yellow is the correct shade. 

I knit the first sleeve. No matter where I put the sweater, the colour was washed out. 

I will be done the sweater tonight and need to buy buttons for it. Then it is on to knitting work socks. 


    I have been avoiding meal planning. I make lots of excuses and none are good. I am thinking of planning my meals for the week after I do the balance sheet. I can shop on Sundays so I can have what I need for the week. I also need to get some containers so I can freeze a meal when I cook. I find cooking for one person hard. It is easier to buy something fast for dinner. I understand why single people eat out a lot. 

    I also need to loose 5 - 6 pounds that I put on. The doctor and I have set my weight range and I need to take off the extra pounds I put on. I want to stay healthy after having such a great check up. I know I can do it, I did it last summer so I can do it this summer. 

    I am getting through my list of things to do in the house, sewing, and knitting. One reason is not going anywhere due to the heat and not needing things. But, it takes a toil on my mental health. I am ready to have an outing away from home. It is going to be hard next week as I have 3 appointments in 3 days. Maybe Wednesday as my physio appointment is early. 


This morning I need to water the garden and then clean the dining room windows. I have to see the nutritionist after lunch. Once home, I will try to sew the snaps on the dress and get the capris ready to cut out. I want to finish the sweater tonight. Once it is done, I will wind left over balls of yarn so they aren't making a mess in my knitting bag. 

Until the next time...................................................

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Thank you for sharing the extra info on the qayg!!!
