Thursday, July 25, 2024

I Needed A Nap

 Yesterday was another lovely sunny day with a high of 25.8C (humidex 31C). This morning it is clear and 14C. Today is suppose to be a mix of sun, clouds, and showers with a high of 24C (humidex 29C). 


Yesterday morning I had physiotherapy and I am stiff. The bothersome muscles are tight but do relax when worked on. I did the gym exercises and had the heat and current put on those areas. It is yoga for the next 2 days to help keep things relaxed. 

I had one stop to make before heading home and once home, I did what was on my list. I hauled items from the fridge freezer to the basement freezer and emptied out the fridge of what would spoil while I am gone. I need to wipe it out today. 

As I hadn't slept well adjusting to the new c-pap machine and mask, I had a nap. I was becoming non functional after lunch. It got me through the rest of the day and I slept well last night. The travel c-pap is amazing; quiet and efficient. 

I hauled all the garbage out to the garage and put it into their respective bins. The garbage can had diatomaceous power put in to kill maggots that could grow in there. The recycling bags and the compost bin were taken to the curb for pick up today. While outside, I weeded around the front and side of the house. I am glad that I did it as those weeds would have been huge in 2 weeks time. 

I checked the garden while outside and found beans to eat. 

They were delicious eaten raw. A treat for sure. The garden is doing well and I am sure someone will have fresh beans and peas to snack on while I am gone. 


Nothing done yesterday except print out the skirt pattern pieces for the Strawberry Shortcake outfit. I did update the To-Do list for August. It will keep me busy after I arrive home. 

A video was put out showing all the items put into the Christmas in July contest. Every item is amazing. Not one quilt was made though there was some quilting done. Fussy cutting galore in every single entry. They will be judged in the next couple of days and I don't envy the judge. I do have one I think should win. 


I did knit on the socks last night and am almost done the leg of the first sock. 

I may get the leg done tonight and then it will be packed away so I can knit on them in Sweden. 


    The fire near daughter's community is still 7.5 km from the village boundaries. It is amazing to see how the community has come together and made lunches for the crews working on the fire. What started out as a one truck delivery is now 3-4 trucks delivering the food. The fire has not grown much due to cooler weather which allows the crews to contain it more. What should have never gotten out of control is getting under control. A lot of rangeland has been damaged which is sad. Some will never rejuvenate as it was bunch grass. Once burnt, it dies as the roots are just under the soil. 

    There is a big fire near Jasper, Alberta. One of the hotels (called a lodge) burnt to the ground and there is other undisclosed buildings gone. The town has been evacuated to two cities in BC. I am sad as I remember my 3 days in Jasper in 2008. I loved my time there exploring the town and enjoying how friendly everyone was. I do hope that they can save most of the town. 

    The list of things to do is getting smaller but I still have lots to do. I am not panicking yet but I do feel anxious and a bit stressed. I am glad that I am a list person as it does keep me on track each day. 

    The physiotherapist just got back from Iceland and she told me to have my passport in hand while in the airport. She said the meal going to Iceland was great but she didn't like the choices on the way home. I still cannot find what is being offered so it will be wait and see. She also stated that fast track through security was not open when they went through so be prepared for that. 


The list today is not long but it will take me time to do. I will start off with yoga. Then I need to do laundry and sweep and mop floors. The fridge needs to be wiped clean. I also want to pack a few more items. I may have to go to family's to pick up some items I need. Tonight I will knit with hopes of staying up late. This is to prepare me to sleep on the plane tomorrow night. 

Until the next time.......................................................

1 comment:

  1. Carol in Denver12:42 PM

    Have a great trip! I hope you share your experiences with your readers.
