Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Progress On The Cat Quilt

 Yesterday was another warm sunny day. The high got to 30.4C (humidex 38C). This morning it was 19C. Today is suppose to be a mix of sun, clouds, and showers with a high of 29C (humidex 39C). 


As it was cool out, I went for a 25 minute walk and did 2.2 kms. I really stretched myself today. On my walk I saw a yellow finch and a male cardinal. Both hid when I slowed down with hopes of taking a picture. The robins are also trying to have a 2nd batch of babies. Other birds (blue jays?) are raiding their nests and I saw one broken egg on the road. 

Yesterday I was out to New Minas. About half way up you can see the Bay of Fundy and the Look Off. It was really hazy looking out over the bay due to the humidity. I am sure we were in just has much haze that we couldn't see. 

I had to get a new mask and adaptor for son's C-pap mini machine. The machine was left behind so it can be set up for me to use. I hope I can get it by Friday so I can use it a couple of times before we leave. My next stop was to get a charging cord to take with me. And the last stop was to look for something for a purse. The only one I liked was leather and expensive. So I will try to use what I have or make myself something. I was home by noon. 

I got an efficiency report from the government. I am not doing too bad. I am using less energy to average homes and a bit more than efficient homes. I need to remember to shut off a few things to see if that will help. Electronics and my iron. I started yesterday and will look around to see how I can improve. 


I spent the afternoon in the sewing room. My goal was to quilt the last 3 blocks of the cat quilt. I did it. 

I had some extra time so I cut out the short pieces of sashing for the front and backs plus the batting. 

I got the first two vertical blocks sewn together. I was getting tired and made a couple of mistakes that I quickly fixed. 

I am at the point where I need to fold under the excess fabric on the back sashing and stitch it down. 

Now to do this part of the tutorial for people to follow along. 


I knit on the doll's dress last night. I am plugging along and am ready to do the third increase at the underarm area. This gives the dress a bit of an a-line. 

I should have it done before I leave. 


    The heat and humidity is starting to make me feel tired when I have to go out. I am not enjoying having all the curtains closed but it does help keep the house cooler. I am looking forward to cooler temperatures and having the curtains open for part of the day. 

    Wow!! At 7am the temperature was up to 21C and the humidex 28C. That happened as the sun broke through the clouds. I am happy I was out the door by 6:10 am and walked while it was cool.

    I have been back on my eating regime for 3 days now and am feeling a lot better. I have lost 3 lbs with hopes of loosing 3 more before we leave. I do know that I will have to eat carefully while we are traveling. Lesson learned from what I ate in the past couple of months and how sluggish I felt. 

    I am getting to the point where I can say I am ready to pack my bag and backpack. There are a few things left to do but they can be done in one evening. 


I have to get groceries this morning and then pack a few more things. I need to fold laundry.  I want to sew this afternoon and knit tonight. I know I will do a few more things today. 

Until the next time.............................................................

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