Tuesday, October 31, 2023

A Lot of Fitting Fixes

 Yesterday was wet and dismal. The high got to 3.4C and 3/4" of rain fell. This morning it is 3C and we are to have sunshine and a high of 6C.


I did my yoga yesterday and it always makes me feel better. I did not walk in the afternoon as it was raining and cold outside (1.8C when I wanted to walk). 

I finished cleaning the dining area. I was down on the floor cleaning the legs of the table as they were dusty. I wiped down the chairs, did the baseboard and mopped the floor. It looks clean and tidy. I only have the living area left to clean. I did sweep and mop some of the floors while I was doing the dining floor. 

Two loads of laundry were folded and some of the cleaning cloths got the whitening treatment. They soaked for several hours and then went through the washer and dryer. They are looking so much whiter now. 


I spent a bit of time trying to figure out the bodice for the dress I am making. It is too big for the doll. When I placed the American Girl doll sloper on the pattern it fit exactly. I have a dress pattern that will fit the AG dolls. 

I spent 2 hours of sewing on the bodice of the dress and it almost fits Anna. I took the side seams almost 1/2" and the back seam 3/4". The fit around is pretty good.

The should seams should have been taken in but that meant taking the lining out. I wasn't doing that. 

They needed to be done as both sides are up from her shoulders about 1/4".

I will make the bodice again using a well fitting pattern and adapt the yoke to fit. 

I didn't look at anything in the sewing room before I left. I was just too upset to deal with cleaning even a small area. 


None done last night. 


    With our first cold damp day, I realize that I am going to have some pain in my hip and knee. I can't let it stop me so will be buying boots and a heavy coat this coming week so I can be prepared to walk most days.

    We had an emergency alert late yesterday afternoon for a dangerous person on the move. The person was arrested a few hours later. I went around to make sure the house was locked up properly as this person was driving and the police didn't know which direction they had fled. Since the mass killings during the pandemic, we get these alerts. Most provinces don't do it but it is one of the outcomes from the review. 

    I am keeping up at keeping the house clean. I try to tidy and mop each room at least twice a week. I will do a 2 day cleaning up when upstairs is done and then start downstairs. I know it will be slower as I am thinking of one day upstairs and one day downstairs. I will get this house decluttered and cleaned this year. My goal is to try to keep the clutter out and the house clean.


I hope to do yoga but the main goal is to decorate for Halloween. We set up in the garage and will keep it simple. I also need to get figure out what to eat as the children start coming at 5 pm. I hope to sew in the afternoon for an hour and do a short walk. What ever else gets done is a bonus. 

Until the next time...................................................

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