Friday, October 06, 2023

The Car Wouldn't Unplug

 Though fairly cloudy, yesterday was a warm one with a high of 23.4C (humidex 28C). This morning it is clear and 12C. We are to have it fairly sunny and 23C (humidex 26C). Tropical Storm Phillipe will be here tomorrow night. 


I was up and at it yesterday doing yoga first. I only did each exercise once except for bridge, pelvic tilt, and child pose. Those I did twice. I worked hard on relaxing the right hip when stretching. There is considerably less pain after I do the exercises. 

I cut vegetables for omelettes and tidied up the kitchen. I swept the living room and kitchen floors and washed the kitchen floor. All is looking good and I am making progress in cleaning. I find I can do more before I need to sit and rest. 

As I was sitting having water, daughter-in-law texted and we left shortly after 10 am. We went to Ikea where I returned an item and got 2 feather pillows. Daughter-in-law got a light for her computer. When we went to leave Ikea, she couldn't unplug the car. It took about 15 minutes to get it unplugged. Googling and trying different tips finally worked. It kept saying that charging had started. It seemed as if the charging station wasn't working properly and it was only showing the other car when we touched the screen. I hope the person beside us got their car charged. We headed out for a quick lunch before she had her osteopathy appointment. We were home just after 2:30 pm. 

It was on our way home that I got a call from physio to come in today due to a cancellation. I jumped on the appointment as I am keen to move forward to doing exercises at the Wellness Center. 

I did go visit my friend last night and she showed me the fabrics for her next wall hanging. It is about a month until she goes for her class in New Brunswick. She will be gone for a week working on it learning new techniques. I am excited to see it come together over the winter. 


I did go down and sew the binding on the last potholder. They are pinned ready for me to hand sew.

I cleaned up the cutting table and am ready to press the red dot fabric and cut the rectangles for Elliott's cardinal quilt. 

I put the fabric on the table to cut and sew the binding of the quilt at the long arm. It is now done and ready to pick up. I am so happy that quilt will be done a shipped to daughter for Christmas. It will go in their camper perfectly colour wise. 

I need to look in the doll's stash to see if I have fabric to line a jacket for the dolls and then look to see if I have a separating zipper. I want to make a jacket for the knitted sweater and leggings to complete that outfit. 


None last night as I went to see my neighbour. 


    I am hoping that my visit to physio today will be a good one. I am hurting less and am hoping that my issue is just tight muscles that I am finally getting stretched. I know that I need to strengthen the muscles a lot and hope it can be accomplished. 

    Tropical storm Phillipe is to arrive late tomorrow afternoon. I hope to pull the leeks tomorrow morning and fertilize the box. I need to trim the rose bush. Once the storm has passed, I will plant garlic. It is too warm right now. The rose bush will be trimmed back further when it turns cold. It and the garlic will be covered with burlap for protection in the winter. 

    I need to pull out some fall decorations for the front landing. I want to put them out after this storm to give the house a cheery look. It is looking like there will be spots of bright leaves but a lot of the trees were stripped bare when we had the last storm. I need to help by putting out a bright display. 


I have to do yoga first and get grandson organized to weed under the deck before I go to physio. I have to go get the quilt after lunch. I am not sure if I will have time to hand sew the binding down on the potholders but I do hope to knit tonight. 

Until the next time.......................................................

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