Thursday, October 19, 2023

Another Quilt Top Started

 Yesterday was either bright with sunshine or dull with dark clouds. There was a small shower in the morning and none the rest of the day. The high got to 13.9C. This morning it is 8C. We are to have similar weather to yesterday with a high of 15C. 


I did the yoga exercises yesterday with less pain. I am working on keeping my right knee straighter which does cause me some soreness. I did each exercise twice which takes me about 15 minutes to do. 

I started to clean the bathroom and it was deep clean time. I got the vanity scrubbed inside and out plus the toilet done. I washed some of the floor on my hands and knees. I got about 50% of the room done and hope to finish it today. I hauled out some trash from that room and got the vanity organized. 

I was outside before lunch and planted the garlic. I got 36 cloves plus 4 plants that started to grow after we harvested the garlic in August. The box is full so I won't be planting elephant garlic this year. I looked at the Spousal Unit's rose bush to see if I could start trimming it back but it has 4 buds on it. That bush had a lot of blooms on it this year. When I cut it back for the winter, I will fertilize it so it can grow good next year. 

I was out and walked .65 km with my friend yesterday. We went over to say good bye to her friends that leave for Newfoundland this afternoon. They are going back to where they were born to be with their siblings. 


I started to work on my cardinal quilt. The goal is to sew 4 blocks a day and work on chain sewing. My brain hates this as it likes to see me finish 1 block at a time. I was able to do 2 blocks at a time without worrying or panicking. I did lots of finger pressing and when done, I pressed and trimmed the blocks. 

I like it but wish I could have embroidered all the center blocks. It was too time consuming to do that. I do like it though. 

When row 1 was completed, I started to clean up the yarn area. The knick knacks were taken off the top of the cube and it was moved so I can clean behind it. All the tubs need to come out so the unit can be scrubbed clean. I am making progress with cleaning the room. I do need to bring down the broom and sweep the floor as it has fibre lint on it. 


I knit 12 rows on the vest last night and it is starting to look like a vest. I still have a long ways to go before it is finished. 


    The battle of the cleaners continues in this house. I have bought one container of cleaner in the past year and am still using up what I bought prior to that. Yes I had a lot. I am finding that I like two cleaners the best and will buy them only. I want to make a cleaner for windows. For the floors, I will continue to use what I have been using for the past several months. I can use it with a mop or a cloth which is good. Now to use up all the old cleaners so I can stock up on what I want to use. This has been a journey and when I am done, I should have very little under the kitchen sink. What I need to buy are more microfibre cloths and bar towels for cleaning. I will use up to 5 a day when cleaning. 

    I continue to work at keeping the house less cluttered. I am not a minimalist as I like to have some things out that I love. But, the clutter is creeping in once again and I am starting to feel a bit stressed. It is mainly paper clutter but it could take off on me if I don't monitor it. As I am doing lots of deep cleaning, I will be getting rid of the excess once again. Not only to the recycle bags but to the thrift shop. I'd like to do a trip there mid November. On a plus note, the garage and shed are quite clean and tidy. 

    I am playing catch up cleaning. I did minimal cleaning for several days before osteopathy due to the pain I was having. It was painful doing chores and I let things slip. I need to do some spot cleaning every day until I get caught up. I am adding it to my daily to-do list. 


The goal today is to finish deep cleaning the bathroom. Spot cleaning will be the table. I want to sew 4 blocks on the cardinal quilt and clean up behind the yarn cubby. I also would like to clean the cubby. I need to do yoga and try to go for a short walk. 

Until the next time.............................................................

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