Sunday, October 08, 2023

Apple Harvest and Heavy Traffic

 Yesterday was a mix of sun and cloud with a high of 21C (humidex 24C). The wind came up in the afternoon letting us know tropical storm Phillipe was coming. It hit after midnight. This morning it is raining, windy, and 18C. We are to have rain most of the day with a high of 20C. 


I was sore yesterday morning but did the yoga exercises including the new ones. The pain was with me all day but not as before. It has moved a bit which is different for me. 

Once I was done yoga, I was outside to spray the weeds under the deck and around the house. I walked slowly and really sprayed them well. The weeds have been worse due to the wetter weather we had this summer. 

Leeks were picked and there are some huge ones. I put them on cardboard to dry in the garage. 

The box was fertilized and ready for planting next year. I did check the Spousal Unit's rose and it has 2 buds on it. I did not trim it back at all. I will do it next week after it cools off. 

Once the chores were done, I headed out to New Minas to pick up the quilt and to get a few things at the Dollar Store. It was quite the trip taking me an hour to go 30 km. 

At Exit 5A (were we go into Windsor to shop), the traffic was stopped and the line up was long. I wondered what was happening; construction or an accident. People ahead of me were going down a little road to go back into Windsor. Others were going down the on ramp as no one was going up it. We crawled along with people exiting if they chose. We got near Exit 6 (downtown Windsor) and the bottle neck was there. You merge from 2 lanes to 1. We picked up speed and once past Exit 7 (Falmouth), we sped up. No construction, no accident. 

In New Minas, it was Saturday busy. Normal afternoon traffic which is always bad. The stores selling groceries were busy as it is Thanksgiving weekend in Canada. I got the quilt and what I needed at the Dollar Store. I decided to go home the old highway. I was enjoying the drive but the traffic was heavy. At the first farmer's market I came to is large with a corn maze and pumpkin patch. I am sure there were 500 cars parked in the field and at their building. It was swarming with people. I continued on noting that every little farmer's market was busy with most parking lots full. I came to Wolfville and it was swarming with people and cars. I saw some people wearing yellow t-shirts with numbers on it and two had 5K on it. It dawned on me it was Apple Harvest and the run they have is extremely popular. People were in the area from all over Nova Scotia to take part. Hence the traffic back up in Windsor and the farmer's markets and Wolfville being insanely busy. I got through town and got back on to the freeway and headed home. I will not be going that way next year on Thanksgiving weekend. 

When I got home, I was tired from sitting in the car for so long. I needed to walk some and then get heat on my right side so it would stop hurting. I also had to prep for the storm coming in -- flashlight in the house and all windows closed securely. 


I didn't sew yesterday as I was out. At the quilt shop, I got my quilt and it is beautiful. They said it was a delight to quilt as it was square and beautifully pressed. They did a great job on it. The owner took me in to show me some new fabrics which have a William Morris look. I have this ugly picture from a book she gave me. 

If I was going for a full William Morris look I would do the sleeping mouse (bottom left) into a large quilt but I'm not. At this moment I'm not. Elliot might convince me to do the sewing room in this line of fabric. It would be a fussy cut project which I am not ready to do at the moment. 

I took the quilt over to show my friend and I sat with her to watch the live Q & A on her course. It was interesting as the instructor talked and answered the questions. I did learn something from it. It is very creative quilting and quite advanced. I am a beginner who would need to spend hours practicing before attempting what is taught in that course. 


None done as I spent time with Elliott. He had been ignored most of the day. 


    There are no power outages in our area and not a lot in the province. The worst part of the storm is going over New Brunswick. The part of the storm over Nova Scotia is going to last for hours. 

    I am finding that, once again, I am tired from the pain in my hip. It is different this time and I am wondering if the yoga has stretched the muscle in the groin and I am dealing with weakness and being out of alignment. I need to keep moving and have a positive attitude. I did walk with my friend before dinner as per usual after a visit with her. We take the dog out so she can do her business. 


I have the first load of laundry on already. I have the balance sheet to do and then wash leeks so they can be blanched and frozen. If time, I want to sweep floors. I doubt if I will get any sewing done but I would like to knit this evening. 

Until the next time...............................................................

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