Friday, October 13, 2023

Back Of The Vest Finished

 Yesterday was sunny and cool with a high of 16.6C. The sun did shine most of the day making it feel warmer than it was. This morning it is wet and 11C. We are to have periods of rain with a high of 14C.


I was out early to get a hair cut and it feels good to have that done. My hair grows fast and I have cut a week off between visits and will see how that goes. I may have to go more often than I use to. 

Once home, I did my yoga exercises. The bridge and clam shell moves have been combined and they are hard to do as I get tired after the 3rd rep. But, I did them not once but twice. I actually did all the exercises twice yesterday. 

I did laundry and worked some in my bedroom. The bed is changed and the floor swept. It is ready for some fall cleaning. I did quite a bit in the room and didn't have to rest which means I am getting better. 

I practiced walking with the walking sticks inside and went for a short walk outside. It did hurt more because I need to build up muscles and because I am walking correctly and my body is complaining about that. I will be working on walking further as it is part of my goal. 


I worked on binding the quilt yesterday afternoon. I finished up the short edge and did the length which was a lot of work. I glued the cut threads and placed the binding over them. I hand sewed and repeated every 6" or less. The side I am working on now needs no gluing. The remaining short edge needs some gluing. I will be happy when this quilt is done and shipped. 

I watched a video on long arm quilting and I realized that to get the design to fit almost perfectly, the person was using a computerized machine. The one my quilt was done on isn't computerized which means there is no way to enlarge or decrease the pattern to fit. I need to learn more about what to do with the over run of the pattern. I do know that I won't have the quilt trimmed by the quilter so I can deal with the threads at home prior to trimming. 

I did find a pattern that I used for the bodice on a dress for the Gotz dolls. I had modified it a lot so set it aside to look at again after I draft a bodice for them. I will continue to play with dart manipulation at this time and try to get a mock up done of the one I did. I need to trace it and add seam allowances plus do the back bodice which I will leave as is. I will sew up the muslin once I get the binding done on the quilt. 


I finished the back of the vest last night. It wasn't a big job once I started knitting. 

I stretched it with my feet and got a picture of the cables. 

And Elliott approved it. 

I need to put the stitches onto a spare needle and start on the front. 


I am heading out for a flu shot at 10 a.m. Once home I will try to do a few things before the shot hits me. I want to make mini meat loaves, and do my yoga. I would like to sew on the binding, play with dart manipulation, and knit. It all depends on how I feel. 

Until the next time.......................................................

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