Thursday, October 26, 2023

My Joints Are Wearing Out

 Yesterday was one sunny day with a high of 17.9C. This morning it is clear and 13C. We are to have more sunshine and a high of 21C today. 


As I waited for the doctor to call, I cleaned up the kitchen. I wiped down all the counters and wiped the appliances. I swept most of the floors before he called. Very early was almost 10 a.m.

The results of my x-ray were surprising as I am feeling so good. I have severe arthritis in my right hip joint and bone on bone arthritis in my right knee. We talked about my plan which didn't include seeing a specialist at this time. I am to continue with physio, osteopathy, yoga, walking, and pain control only when needed. When the pain increases I will increase the pain control. At that time I will ask to see specialists for replacements. Until then, I continue on doing what I am already doing. I have added loosing the last 30 lbs. to help my bad joints. 

Once done the call, I did my yoga exercises and they certainly are making a difference. I did them paying attention to making sure my body is straight and I am relaxing when in rest position. 

I headed out to grocery shop as I needed to have some comfort food (not sweets as I hate the taste), to get some healthy items, and new pain medication which is not a prescription. I was home just before noon which was nice. 

Later in the afternoon, I went for a 1.3 km walk. I am getting into the rhythm with the walking poles. Only had to stop twice to get myself coordinated. I really enjoyed the walk though I was tired when I got home. I have pushed myself as I doubled my distance rather than do it slowly. But, I know I can do it. I ended my walk by taking out the garbage to the curb. I earned my rest before dinner. 


With the day so nice, I limited my time in the sewing room. I had to finish the last 4 blocks in 90 minutes so I could go for my walk. And I did it. 

I did stop to admire it before leaving the room. It was wonderful to finish the blocks but I'm sad it is done. Once again, I learned so much while doing a simple block. Next up is to review the quilt as you go without sashing that I want to do. Elliott's quilt is the practice one. Fabric and batting needs to be purchased. 


I worked on the vest last night making sure I am decreasing on the rows I should be and doing the pattern correctly. It is a lot of thinking but I know it will end soon. I have 5 of the 10 pattern repeats done and will soon stop decreasing. 


    I pondered and thought about how I can keep the surgeon at bay for a few more years. Exercise, physio, and weight loss will probably be the key to this. I will have to balance what I do every day which means I need to have a schedule to follow. I will also need to get good winter boots and new runners. I will have to be active in the winter either walking or shovelling snow. I tend to want to hibernate in the winter.

    I am working on how I want my days to look. At the moment I am doing house cleaning in the mornings after I do yoga. Once I have done the purging and cleaning, I would like to have a simple routine of sweeping floors, dusting, and putting away. At the moment, it is a lot of work as I am maintaining what I have cleaned along with cleaning/purging other areas. I have a daily planner to help me keep organized and will use it to plan what I want to do each day. 

    I am also looking at my sewing time. I like to sew in the afternoons but have cut back the time I spend in the room. I set a goal of what I want to sew and what I want to clean each day. I want to keep it cleaner once I do this deep clean. And I want to work on the rest of the basement also. One thing I have is lots of time to clean as I don't go out a lot. I also need to remember to have time to do a few things I want to do. 


After I do yoga, I want to finish up my bedroom. I need to do some sweeping and mopping in other rooms also. They are looking good. I want to pack one box to go to the mail, do the wall art for the sewing room, and go for a walk. The area to clean in the sewing room is the embroidery machine area. I hope to knit tonight. Another busy day which is good for me mentally.

Until the next time..........................................................

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