Sunday, September 17, 2023

Hurricane Lee Was Kinder To Us

I had a post for yesterday and the power went out and I didn't get it done.

Friday was the lull before the storm. It was a lovely humid day with a high of 21C. Who knows what the humidex was. Yesterday it was wet and windy with a high of 21C (humidex 29C). It cooled off starting around 11 am. It rained 60.9 mm which is about 2.5". This morning it is 16C and windy. It is suppose to get to 22C (humidex 27C). The wind is to become light and we are to have some showers. 


While I had power, I did a few things I needed to do and then did things that I didn't need power for. Once I got everything done, I watched the rain come down in sheets vertically and sideways, the trees whip from east to west and some times in circles, and thought people were nuts going out getting groceries. Once the power went off, it was pretty quiet and boring around here. 

I did have to run out once to pick up the plastic extension for a down pipe. I thought it was secure but I was wrong. At least it wasn't raining or blowing hard when I dashed out the door. 

When I looked out the window once, I saw the trampoline 2 houses down was flipped over and weighted down. It did creep over to the fence in the wind. The chairs under my next door neighbour's deck were piled against their fence. 

Daughter-in-law sent me this pictures of a large tree branch going down the road via wind power. 

And one I got off social media had me laughing. Only in Nova Scotia would you see a port-a-potty sliding across the road during a hurricane. That was in Bedford.

The power was off for under 2 hours and then if flickered a lot after that. There had been a live power line down near where we enter to come into this subdivision but it wasn't the cause of our power outage (or I don't think so). There were around 150,000 customers without power yesterday and it is down to 103,000 customers this morning. 


I spent some time sewing both Friday and Saturday. Friday I sewed the skirt and when I put it on the doll, it was see thru. Yesterday morning, I cut out the lining before the power went out. After lunch I sewed the lining and got it in. As I was ready to finish the back, the power was surging so I stopped for the day. I pinned it on the doll. 

I need to sew down the back center seams and put on snaps. Then it will be done.

Doing the lining was easy. I put a 1/2" hem on it so it was shorter than the skirt. I pressed the waist facing so it was ready to add the lining. I put the lining in with the right side out and sewed it to the facing at the waist line. I pressed the facing back into place. It was quite easy to do. 


I am casting off the coat. When I got to the neckline it said to use the smaller needles. When I checked, I had knit the coat neck with the smaller needles. I thought I had got the larger points onto the cable but I hadn't. I am hoping this will fit the American Girl dolls as it looks cute with the dress I knit from the same yarn. 


    Hurricane Lee wasn't as bad as Dorian or Fiona. It was stressful as you never know what these storms will do. There are still dangers even when they down grade to post tropical cyclones. 

    Elliott's little growth under his chin is going away. It was nearly nothing last night so I am wondering if it was a plugged hair follicle. He will still see the vet on Thursday to make sure all is okay. 

    I did three quick bridges (yoga) in bed this morning and had 3 cracks in my hips. I wonder what is happening as I feel better. My knee is still stiff but not as bad as it was. I will be letting osteopathy know that.


I need to to do the balance sheet, do a bit of tidying, get some food ready to freeze, and try to finish the doll's skirt. If enough time, I will cut out the jean jacket. I am going out to family's for dinner tonight. I may even get the doll's coat cast off ready to sew up. 

Until the next time........................................................

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:58 AM

    So glad the hurricane was not too bad up your way! The clothes you make for the AG dolls are just beautiful!
