Tuesday, September 05, 2023

A Knitted Outfit Finished

 Yesterday started out foggy, then cloudy, and finally sunny. The high got near 24C (humidex 30). This morning it is partly cloudy and 15C. We are to have mix of sun and cloud with a high of 25C (humidex 30C). 


I was tired yesterday and did very little. It was tidy up the kitchen and do a fold of laundry day. Part was the relative humidity was nearly 80% all day. I had a nap in the afternoon which I haven't done for a while. 

I took a cucumber over to my neighbour and she was feeling the same way - tired. She had a longer nap than I did. We took the dog for a short walk and visited. When I was ready to leave for home, we walked the garden with her family. I got some oregano from them. It is in water to see if it will root and I can plant it. If not, I can get more from them. 

I was quite strict with my diet yesterday and tracked my food carefully. I am hoping that after a few days I will start to loose weight again. I needed to go back to eating carefully so I can continue to loose the weight. 


I spent some time in the sewing room working on the spare bedroom items. It was a case of hither and thither sewing. First I did the back for the little wall hanging as I had white thread on the machine. Then I changed the thread to blue and finished cross hatching the light squares on the pillows. Next was making the binding of which looks like I have enough for 2 pillows and the wall hanging. 

I sandwiched the little wall hanging and quilted it. It is only stitch in the ditch as I want the design to be the focal point. 

When it is finished, it will be made out of all the scraps left over from the runner and cushion covers. I am quite pleased with it. 

One cushion cover was sewn together with the binding on it. I had to put it on a pillow form to see how it looks. 

I like it a lot. The second cushion cover had fray check drying as I put it on the hand tied knots when finishing the cross hatching. I am near the point of doing a lot of hand sewing. 

I was telling my friend how much I am enjoying my pared down stash and that I am enjoying sewing from it. She said she almost sold everything as she is frustrated. I think it is a combination of too much fabric and doing a lot of quilting for others. She is not getting her projects done and is feeling frustrated. We are learning to say no and to do what we want to do. A big step for us and we are supporting each other. 


I finally got the buttons on the little sweater I had made and steamed it. It relaxed my knitting and I am thrilled with how it looks on the doll.

I have the fabric to make a jacket to go with this outfit. I am thinking an Anorak jacket. 

I also picked up the doll's dress and got the first sleeve done. 

It is 5 rows and I struggled with it as Elliott wanted to crawl all over me for attention. Hopefully sleeve #2 will be easier with Elliott sleeping beside me rather than being in my face. 


I need to do some housework. If it isn't too humid, I may start weeding the hedge before noon. I want to sew this afternoon and knit tonight. I am going to have to find another pattern to knit before I start my vest. I don't have the yarn for it. 

Until the next time..........................................................

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