Saturday, September 09, 2023

A Lot Of Hand Sewing

 Yesterday was hot and humid. The sun shone all day and the high got to 30.9C (humidex 40C). This morning it is clear and 22C (humidex 30C). We are to have another hot day with a high of 28C (humidex 36C).


I got all the floors swept and a load of laundry done first thing in the morning. I headed out to the bank and then up to get the tires torqued. The shop is at highway level and as the person and I talked, we could see the haze of heat and humidity rolling in from the Bay of Fundy. It as 11 am and 25C with a humidex of 33C. 

Once home, I got the dehumidifier emptied and the two heat pumps on dehumidify. The house's humidity went to 50% and stayed there all day. At bedtime I turn off the basement heat pump and put the upstairs onto a/c. I will be repeating the process today. 

I went outside at 5 pm to water the garden and it was hot and humid still. I checked the garden and I need to pick tomatoes which will be a chore to do. I will try to do it as fast as I can. 

Though still somewhat sore, I felt better yesterday. I was able to walk better though my right knee isn't bending as straight as I. would like it to. My back hurt so I spent a lot of time with the heating pad on it. Every time I was up, I would walk around the house and up and down the stairs. I know I am pushing myself but I need to keep mobile. 


As I sat with heat on my leg and back, I did a lot of hand sewing. I got the 2nd pillow done and onto the bed. 

I also got the runner binding hand sewn down also. 

I pinned the wall hanging onto the wall to see how it looked. 

I have toppers to make from the last .5 meter of the print and then to arrange the flowers on the other table. I need to look at pictures I have for above the bed and on other walls in the room. I am really pleased with how the room is coming together. 

I have printed the jean jacket pattern and will get out the remaining patterns so I can start working on it this week. I also need to press the red dot fabric and cut out the pieces for Elliott's cardinal quilt and work on it when I can. 

Daughter got her parcel and loves her Brittany bag. The dogs loved their red blankets and son-in-law claimed the camo fleece blanket as his. Everyone is happy. 


I did briefly look at patterns and am going to make a coat and head band for the Gotz dolls. I can use up more the daughter's vest yarn. 


I have to make an appointment for Elliott to see the vet as he has a warty like growth under his chin. I want to do some more housework this morning. Sewing will be a cushion cover this afternoon and I want to cast on the next project tonight. I also hope to quickly pick tomatoes sometime today.

Until the next time...............................................................

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