Monday, September 25, 2023

The Jean Jacket Is Done

Yesterday was cloudier than it has been but it was dull and dismal. The high got to 19.7C which was nice. This morning it is foggy and 9C. We are to have sunshine and a high of 19C.


Daughter-in-law arrived early and we were out the door with gloves and compost bin to the garden boxes. We picked tomatoes, cucumber, and both types of peppers. The plants were pulled out and composted. The tomato cages were stacked and put away. The leeks have not been harvested and will probably be done next week. I fertilized the empty boxes so they are ready for next year. 

While out in the back, I pruned the Spousal Unit's rose bush and we weeded around the shed. It looks so much better than it did. The inside of the shed is still neat and tidy. We closed the garage door and locked it. I will have to get the winter flowers and salt out later on. Otherwise the shed is winter ready. 

We took some of the produce over to our neighbours and sat in their enclosed porched for a bit. The dogs were overly excited to see us and gave us a good show. We left and daughter-in-law went home and I came inside. I was sore but not overly sore. 

After a short rest, I headed out to pick up my prescriptions. The parking lot of the grocery store was filling up fast with people going to the fair. I got what I needed and left. 


I worked on and finished the doll's jean jacket. I am happy it is done. The pattern is well drafted but when you work with so many small pieces some don't fit exactly right. The tabs at the back were the last piece on and a hair too big. 

You don't notice it as much when on the doll. 

The jacket fits beautifully and I am pleased with how it turned out. A lot of work and a lot of detail went into this jacket. 

And the outfits I have made since May of this year. 

I was so tired that I cleaned up a bit around the sewing machine and walked out of the room. 

I have to put away the scrap of blue left from the jacket and tidy up the cutting table. Then it's on to the next project -- pet stockings and embroidering a label. 


I did another 16 rows on the vest and am half done the under arm part of the front. It is such an easy knit that I am enjoying it in the evenings. 


I am going to do a bit of housework and then head out to get some items. I need to get ink for the printer which I replaced a year ago. I need to clean up the cutting table, do 15 minutes on the book case, do the embroidered label and lay out the pet stockings. I want to knit tonight. It is the start of a busy week for me. 

Until the next time.....................................................................

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