Friday, September 22, 2023

Elliott Is Fine

 Yesterday was cooler with a high of 16.9C. The sun shone all day which was nice. This morning it is clear and 8C. We are to have sunshine and a high of 18C. 


We made it through yesterday with no tears. We were sad but tried to remember the Spousal Unit with happy memories. It would have been what he wanted. 

Elliott went to the vet and he is fine. Yellow cats get these things on their skin when they get older. The one under his chin looks good and the second one I found is a skin tag. They are being noted in his file and we will monitor him. He got weighed and weighs 18 lbs 14 oz. I will try to get him to loose some weight though he isn't overweight for his size. Getting there though. 

Daughter-in-law and I went to Dartmouth yesterday. Our first stop was to look at stone blocks for a retaining wall. The store we went to doesn't have it on site so we couldn't see it. It is huge blocks though. The other one she wanted to see is like putting together tetra blocks. 

Our second stop was to Ikea. We were in the store for 2 hours and 18 minutes (the time recorded charging the car at the store). We wandered around, had lunch, and bought a few items. I wanted to get daughter a Christmas present there and we found it on sale. 

I also found this that I may buy for my kitchen. I can put my spices that I use frequently on it. I have to think about it. 

By the time we left Ikea, we were both sore/achy. My hips were really bothering me. We had walked most of the store -- up and down. 

Once home, I took meds for the pain and sat on the heating pad to help relieve the pain. I did have a nap. I was out the door and we were to watch grandson play school soccer. He and a couple of other boys played well. They lost the game and we know most of it is attitude from some of the players. 

Dinner was Chinese take out and I ate lightly. It was over my points but worth it. I didn't gain weight from it either. We enjoyed dinner a lot and talked about the game with grandson. I left for home at 7 pm as grandson had homework and they needed to go to bed early. Son and grandson are fighting colds at the moment. 


None done yesterday. It was another day off from it. I need to sew today. 


None done yesterday as I was tired when I got home. It wasn't the time to try to set up the row to begin cables. 


    We got through yesterday. It was hard at times but I focused on the good things. It was good to be out shopping as it took our minds off of everything. At least we weren't rushing around getting ready for a hurricane like we were last year. It is amazing, when I think back, how much we did that week. I wonder how we did it without falling apart at the seams. 

    I found some clothes in the closet that fit me nicely. Three winter tops and a vest. I am happy to wear them when I am out and about. I still need to get a few clothes but it wasn't yesterday as I was too sore to look for items. 

    I am looking forward to osteopathy on Wednesday. I am hoping she will be able to work on getting things back into position and I can start strengthening my body. The aches and pains are different now. I think it is going to be more hip alignment rather than my knee. It seems to have improved a lot in the last couple of weeks. Also the soreness is in both hips rather than the right one. 


I am going to take it slow as my hips are achy. I will try to harvest some items from the garden. I want to sew and knit today. When knitting and resting, I will sit on the heating pad to ease the soreness. 

Until the next time..................................................................

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