Saturday, September 02, 2023

Dawn To The Rescue

 Yesterday was cool with lots of sunshine. The high got to 19.2C. This morning it is clear and 9C. We are to have a high of 24C with lots of sunshine. 


It was cool enough yesterday that I should have worn pants but I didn't. I didn't run the a/c at all and had the windows open to enjoy the cooler air. 

I started the day out cleaning another part of the living room. I dusted windows, swept the floor and washed it twice. While I waited for the floor to dry the first time, I took the lint brush to the couch and removed a lot of Elliott's hair from it. I also washed the blankets I have on the furniture. I put Elliott's quilt on the couch and he has been snuggling down in it ever since. I did sweep all the living area floor and washed the clean part. I am slowly getting that area cleaned. 

I was out after lunch to get some groceries. Once home I started a potato salad (5 lbs of potatoes) and devilled eggs (28 halves). We are having a bbq on Sunday. I had quite the mess but had the kitchen cleaned up by 4 pm. Though I enjoy cooking, I have to keep the mess under control or it drives me nuts.

My neighbour was over to get some parts from the shed yesterday. He knows I have them and its best he gets them here than buy them. I sent him home with a cucumber fresh picked from the garden. 

I spent a bit of time with my neighbour and we laughed like crazy. She was working on a wall hanging which I hope to take a picture of next week as it is gorgeous. 

I didn't eat tomatoes or a lot of gluten yesterday. I am hoping that things will settle down as I had a bad spell in the morning. My glucose readings were low yesterday and I was a bit worried. I did have some extra fruit at noon but it didn't really help. I was very busy and used up what glucose I had in my system to keep going. I was hungry though. 


I spent about an hour in the sewing room working on the little wall hanging. All the threads were trimmed on the back and it was cut to size. The stabilizer was trimmed. When I went to steam it to hold its shape, the iron put 4 tiny rust marks on it. It was up the stairs to do the Dawn soap trick. It worked and the wall hanging is ready to press once again. 

I also cut fabrics to make the small border. I had to sew strips together for the sides. I am okay with that as I will make sure they are at the same spot to balance the look. I have enough of the blue to make the wider borders. Once it and the pillows are done, I will be hand sewing binding down for a couple of days.

I looked at the area that needs to be cleaned next and I must get at it. I have been putting it off as I have wanted to ignore it as the Spousal Unit used to sit in the chair and visit with me while I sewed. I miss those visits a lot. 


I worked on the dress last night and am ready to do the little cable row. Then it is the button hole part after that and I will be close to finishing the dress. I enjoy knitting it while watching tv. 

I have a lot of this yarn left so will be knitting doll clothes from it this winter. 

My next project will be my vest. I have to decide on the colour and buy the yarn.  


I have to finish up the potato salad so the flavours can come together so I can do any adjustments tomorrow. I will be out this afternoon to watch grandson play soccer in the city. I am looking forward to that. I won't be sewing and I may not be knitting tonight depending on what time we get home. 

Until the next time..................................................................

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