Sunday, September 24, 2023

Down To Buttons and Snaps

 Yesterday was another sunny day with a high of 19C. This morning it is 9C. We are to have clouds and a high of 18C. 


I was out yesterday to the quilt display at Avonport. There were about 12 quilts to look at. Everyone used the pattern "Little Miss Sawtooth". It was interesting to see how the pattern looked different using different colours. One was made using Halloween fabrics, another in yellow, blue, and white, and a few in earth tones. My friend's had a darker coloured background.

Another lady and I helped our friend pick out colours for a new quilt she wants to make for one of her grandchildren. When home she texted to see if a I had a specific pattern. When I looked at the one of two quilting books I have, there was a similar one on the cover. I took the book over and we found it. She is going to look at the book for other ideas also. 

I was out to get a few groceries and to order lancets and strips. The parking lot of the grocery store is large and was almost full. People were parking in it and walking down to the fair as the store was almost empty of customers. I got what I needed in good time and went home. There were lots of people walking around, lining up to get into the fair, and cars parked everywhere. You could hear the tractor pulls at our house. I do miss watching that and the oxen pulls. 

I am still aching and it is moving from one side to the other. I alternate sitting on the heating pad and walking around the house or the yard. I know I am improving but it is tiring having the pain most of the time. 


One of the first things I did in the morning was to design the second label for my friend. I spent quite a bit of time getting it sized to look balanced. It is now ready to stitch.

I worked on the doll's jean jacket in the afternoon. Buttons were put on the pocket flaps.

Then it was to put snaps and buttons on the cuffs. That was a challenge as the overlap is tiny. 

I did get the waist band on the jacket and hand sewn down. As I was prepared for the piece to be slightly short, I did 1/4" seams which are a thread or two smaller than what the pattern calls for. It went on well. I hand sewed the piece down to hide the seam allowance and it is ready to top stitch. I need to do the two side tabs and the jacket is ready for snaps and buttons. 

I bought no fabric yesterday at the quilt shop where the quilts were displayed. I did look and found some cat fabric I liked. But I didn't buy it. I will need a piece of grinch fabric to line a wine bottle bag I have to make. I'm really being careful not to buy pieces that have no project attached to them. 


I got another 16 rows (2 complete patterns) knit on the vest last night. Progress is being made. 


I have the balance sheet to do, garden to clean up, snaps and buttons to sew onto the jean jacket, and knitting to do. I also have to go out to get my diabetic supplies early this afternoon. A bit of a busy day but I am happy to be busy. 

Until the next time.......................................................

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Sometimes use ice on your sore joints. Heat isn’t the best as ice will do. 15 min of ice on the sore spot( s) and 15 min off. Alternate. I’ve had multiple joint surgeries and had epidurals along my spine before my big spinal surgery. I’m needing my left knee replaced now,,,, but been procrastinating after the bad blood clot that also ended or broke up and went into both lungs. Plus, I have fibromyalgia. Trust me,,, as cold as icing can be it often gives better relief. Also get some Volteran cream or Icy Hot or Apercream creams. In the USA these medications are over the counter. I bet you’d get better relief than just heat alone. Trust me,, I suffer a lot too. Somedays I can barely move but I keep moving as you do. Great you keep busy. I try to. All we can do! I love sewing too!!!
