Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Doll's Dress Bodice Completed

 Yesterday was a dull dismal day with rain and fog. The high got to 5C. This morning it was 0C (wind chill of -3) and snow was falling. It has since quit and we may see some sunshine later today. The high is to get to 1C. 


With it being dull and grey yesterday, we both wanted to hibernate. Not unusual for us as it has happened in other places we have lived. We pushed forward. 

In my not wanting to do the finances, I worked on the puzzle for a bit and got about 10 pieces put in. A second go later in the day saw another 10 pieces go in between us. 

The finances or budge it almost done. I have to enter in the bills I paid and car info. It wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be but I really wanted to avoid it. When done, I was happy to see a half hour will have it completed. 

I did 3 loads of laundry yesterday and am caught up. It needs folding which is on the agenda for today. I have one load of fabric to do today. 

There were 59 new cases and 2 deaths over 3 days. There were 58 recoveries. There are now 5 reported cases of the new variant in Canada and I wonder about many things as we head into the Christmas season. Will we have the new variant in Nova Scotia by then and be under tighter restrictions? Who knows. 


I spent some time in the sewing room yesterday finishing up the bodice of the dress. The bodice is labor intensive but it fits well. 

I can now start the skirt. The only labor intensive part is the V at the center front. I should have the skirt ready to attach to the bodice today. 

A designer sent me her pattern for the lobster tail bustle. I have to buy 1/4" boning for it from the US as I can't get it here. 

As soon as the dress is done, I will be focusing on the last 2 Christmas gifts. I would love to have them done by mid month or earlier. I am working on a plan to get them done. 


I had the toe of the 2nd sock over half done when I found a mistake. I unknit all the rows, fixed the mistake and got 9 rows completed. Hopefully they will be done tonight. Then on to the next pair of socks. 


The laundry needs to be folded, some housework done, sewing, and knitting. It is a stay at home day today as I need to get caught up and do some planning. 

Until the next time...........................................................

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