Thursday, November 25, 2021

A Snowy Day

 Yesterday was a very snowy day. It snowed until at least 7:30 p.m. and there was at least 3-4" of snow fall. The high got to 1.2C. Today we are to see rain showers and a high of 7C.

A correction on rain fall accumulation. We had about 66mm of rain which is about 2.5". In one spot on Cape Breton, there was 234mm which is 9.25". Add the snow and all I can say is wow!!


I spent time cleaning the storage room. It wasn't a hard job but I did move everything and reorganize it. The floor was swept. The shelving unit I stored extra food onto was cleaned up and some expired food was tossed. I will not be stocking up this winter. We can get everything we need easily now. 

I have 2.5 boxes to go to the thrift shop and I would like to get them gone shortly. I did remove some fabric from one box to use for sandwiches to practice free motion quilting on. Cheaper than having to buy fat quarters from the quilt shop. 

I went grocery shopping after lunch and it wasn't as busy as I had thought it would be. The roads were in good condition though I'm sure they would be plowed and salted as it was snowing heavily. Our street was plowed around 5 p.m. with the big loader which has two huge blades on it. About 15 minutes later it was salted. 

We worked on the puzzle some yesterday and it is coming along. I was able to fix a border mistake after 4 tries. Once it was fixed, I got more pieces in. The Spousal Unit did a few pieces also. I'm sure this puzzle will be done by the end of next week. 

Elliott was a happy cat yesterday until I petted him while he was in a deep sleep. He was up in a flash ready to fight or flee. I had to cuddle him and calm him down. 

A typical day for Elliott. 

There were 20 new cases of the virus. The number of cases related to the gathering last month are decreasing. The cases in the central zone are holding about the same but there are more cases in children. It will be wonderful when children can get the vaccine. 

I did get an appointment for the Spousal Unit to get his booster shot. I will be trying to get myself one next. His was the last appointment at our preferred location. 


I didn't sew yesterday as I was tired. I do need to work on the dress so I can start on other Christmas gifts. The pattern has been published but I still want to make this dress. 

The fabric I reclaimed from the thrift shop boxes is Christmas fabric and will be perfect for free motion quilting practice on. I bought it really cheap after Christmas and it doesn't go with anything else I have. I will have to buy some batting if I don't have enough on hand. Hopefully some end pieces from the quilt shop. 


I have about 20 rounds knit on the foot of the second sock. 


Laundry, 2 bathrooms to clean, some sewing, and knitting. We are staying home today. 

Until the next time.....................................

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