Thursday, November 18, 2021

Moving Back To Normal

 We have had it cool but sunny the past couple of days. The high has been about 4C. This morning we woke to 0C and snow which had been in the forecast. The snow will disappear as we are to get rain a bit later this morning. The high today is suppose to get to 11C. 


Life has been evolving around Elliott. Yesterday he was peeing on the floors and a very unhappy cat. We are not sure why but it assumed it was stress after talking to the vet. It could have been his dish didn't have enough food in it, to the wind blowing against the house or a noise he heard during the night. He fought a bit having his meds which upped the stress level. Once over whatever was bothering him, he had quite a good sleep.

He is much better today and we have been talked to, swatted at, and bit by him. 

I washed floors yesterday and got the living and dining areas scrubbed clean. Next up is bedrooms and finally kitchen and bathroom. A lot of work cleaning up after a sick cat. But I will get it done. 

There were 20 new cases of the virus reported yesterday. During the briefing, we were told that we could expect to be in Wave 4 until sometime in January. This is disheartening and is due to the gathering held at the end of October in Amherst. The organizer did not (and did not want to) follow the restrictions for group gatherings and it is causing a rise in case numbers, deaths, and hospitalizations. Fines have been levied late which is another area of concern. 


I didn't sew yesterday as we went for a drive. There are things being planned though and I've researched patterns to make a cover for a Kitchen Aide mixer. My choice is this one as I need to make the extra large size. It was fun doing the research and now I need to get the fabric. 

I ordered my last doll and she is on her way. She just left Montreal this morning. 

She has the Addy face mold and will be dressed mainly in historical clothing. She has been on my list for a year now and I am happy to be getting her. I have no desire to have any more dolls as there are none who are tugging at my heart strings. I have enough dolls to model the clothes I make.


I got the heel turned on both socks and am ready to pick up the stitches for the gusset. With Elliott feeling under the weather, I've done more knitting while monitoring him. 


I have floors to wash, a parcel to mail, some sewing to do, and knit on the socks. I do not need to monitor Elliott at this time as he is doing well. I can now do things I set aside during his illness. We are moving back to normal.

Until the next time.............................................

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