Saturday, November 13, 2021

On The Road To A Full Recovery

 Yesterday was another sunny day with a high of 10.5. This morning it is raining and windy with a high of 15C. The high is to get to 14C. 


Daughter-in-law and I headed in  yesterday morning to pick up Elliott from the vet. He was in good spirits when we got home and urinated in his box. That decreased in the afternoon so we were back to the vet. He doesn't have a blockage but needed another medication to help heal his bladder. This morning we have a cat who his happier than he has been for a long time. His litter box has been used, he had his meds, and he demanded his wet food for breakfast. 

Elliott had a tensor bandage on his leg where he had a catheter for calming meds. I took it off and he spent some time playing with it. He realized it was stretchy and tried to stretch it and see it fly through the air like he use to with elastics. He got the technique right but the bandage went nowhere. 

We were both tired and had a very quiet and short evening. We've been through a lot with Elliott and need to relax and recharge. 

There were 70 new cases of the virus reported for Thursday and Friday. We have 277 active cases in the province which remains the same as Wednesday as there were 69 recoveries in that time period. 

Sewing and Knitting

I did nothing on either one as I was too tired to think and act. 


I have to grocery shop, do a bit of housework, and try to sew and knit. It will be a very quiet day in our house if Elliott stays well. 

Until the next time......................................................

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