Monday, September 13, 2021

A Not So Happy Elliott

 Yesterday was a sunny blustery day. The high got to 24.3C. It was a lovely fall day. This morning it was 14C and the sun is shining. There is fog and and clouds around. We are to see 21C today.


My hip was sore yesterday as I helped set up chop saw. I did not blow a gasket but commanded the situation and it got done. No arguing or fighting.

Once that job was done, I cleaned the fridge but did not get the appliances cleaned on the outside. My leg/hip was sore enough I wasn't up to bending on it. I did do some stretching exercises which help in the long run. 

Elliott decided he was going outside onto the deck. He had an enjoyable time outside.

This morning he is wandering around, crying and has a bladder issue. We are waiting to call the vet and take him in for medication. The happy boy we had yesterday is not too happy today.


I spent the afternoon in the sewing room working on the cat's quilt. I got the borders on it before quitting for the day. At that point my hip/leg was really sore. But, I was happy with what I had gotten done. I spent a lot of time measuring to make sure the borders were exactly the same size top/bottom and the sides.

After a brief discussion with daughter, we decided the yellow thread was perfect for quilting this quilt. 

The backing is the print and the yellow will blend in nicely. It will show up only on the black squares. I have to say, this cat is really spoiled. 


I knit on the test pattern yesterday and have the first leg done and the 2nd one started. 

I have cast off and decreased for the crotch after this picture was taken. 


I am waiting to call the vet to take Elliott in. Once he's in I will go to the grocery store for a couple of things, home to launder mats, and be ready to pick him up once he is medicated and happier. I will try to quilt and knit when I can. 

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